Tragically Delicious – Lucky Charms Causing Projectile Vomiting and Diarrhea? – IOTW Report

Tragically Delicious – Lucky Charms Causing Projectile Vomiting and Diarrhea?

I wonder if it looks like a rainbow when all of that is in its arc?


Lucky Charms — the sugary breakfast cereal made by General Mills that has long used a leprechaun mascot — is believed to be making people sick nationwide, The Post has learned from reports on a consumer complaint website.

At least 139 consumers across the country reported they vomited and had diarrhea after eating a bowl of the cereal that’s marketed to kids, according to, a platform that tracks food-borne illnesses.

In March, Jan Judd of Heber City, Utah, said she ate a bowl as a snack one evening and a few hours later she was cramping up, nauseous and up much of the night with diarrhea.

“I felt lousy for 24 hours, even worse than I felt when I had COVID-19,” Judd told The Post.

Lacey Pack of Friona, Texas, gave her 3-year-old son Jackson a mid-afternoon snack of the cereal without milk on March 6. Several hours later, he began “projectile vomiting” and didn’t stop until the following day, she told The Post.

“The whole weekend my son was like a zombie on the couch,” she said.

The same day, her 5-year-old daughter, Harper, had a few bites of the cereal and came down with diarrhea, she said.

General Mills said it does not believe its cereal is the cause of these illnesses, but it also said that it is conducting an “ongoing review.”


mAss hypnosis?

36 Comments on Tragically Delicious – Lucky Charms Causing Projectile Vomiting and Diarrhea?

  1. Has anybody checked to see if these affected people came into contact with a clip of Kamala Harris speaking shortly (shartly?) before the onset of the illness?

  2. My Mom always bought a few cereals – mostly cheerios, sometimes Raisin Brand and occasionally Frosted Flakes or Rice Crispy . Yeah hardly great but this was the 70s, early 80s. I remember begging to get Lucky Charms because I had it at a friends sleepover. She finally bought a box with the promise that was all I’d eat unti it was gone. I lost that deal – the novelty even as a kid is worth far more.

  3. And just think…boxed/bagged processed cereals were originally developed and sold as health food.

    And today, I don’t think there is any product category with more shelf space in grocery stores than cereals, and I sure seems to me that at least three quarters of them are already sweetened. When I was a kid, I used to eat cereal, though not every damned breakfast. I liked that they were unsweetened; I could make ’em as sweet as I wanted by adding my own sugar (*not* HFCS), or not sweet at all. In fact, some cereals were mighty tasty with hot milk, a pat of butter, and a sprinkling of salt.

  4. Yeah, I hear it’s like a coronal mass ejection with a multi-colored Aurora. And then you test positive for Corona virus. But you get over it with flying colors. And then you have to clean your toilet and there’s rainbow-colored pineapple chunks in it but you didn’t eat any pineapple. So then, you realize you’ve experienced some kind of gastrointestinal ‘gain of function’ and worry yourself to death. At which point you get sick again and never eat a General Mills product again.

  5. I got the Hershey squirts and projectile vomiting once after eating Campbell’s bean and bacon soup for lunch at home and later in the day on a field trip to the local museum when I was in 2nd grade and it all came loose all over the museum floor. That was embarrassing as hell even for an 8 year old. I was a mess from head to toe and had to be taken home to get cleaned up. I’ve never ate Campbell’s bean and bacon soup since then.

  6. Every once once in awhile i get a box of Lucky Charms or Frosted Flakes. I know it’s bad for me and I shouldn’t-but I do anyways. I used to love Captain Crunch but it tears up the roof of my mouth. The best part of is the powdery stuff at the bottom of the box. Yeah, kid of the 70’s here.

    I buy Pop Tarts too. They tasted better back then, with the paper/foil pouch, that you opened by pulling the red string…

  7. This is what happens when homos and the food Nazis mess with our food.🤬

    Peanut Butter has never been the same, and they claim you never have to stir it, my ass it’s like eating vegetable oil mixed with a few peanuts.🤪

  8. Miss Kitty, I have IBS (I know, TMI), but NOTHING makes me sicker than peanut butter. I used to eat that stuff 3 times a week in the 70s and 80s.

    These days a spoon of it will incapacitate me for 12 hours.

  9. @Different Tim

    “Projectile vomiting and diarrhea.
    At the same time?”

    Probably not possible. It’d be as impossible as trying to lick your elbow. Can’t be done.

    The only way to lick your elbow is to first cut your arm off at the armpit.

  10. ““I felt lousy for 24 hours, even worse than I felt when I had COVID-19,” Judd told The Post.”

    Fuck, now Fauci is going to demand that we all eat cereal with a mask on.

    It may be hard to do, and messy, but it is to keep everyone else safe.

  11. Has anyone who talks about Nancy Poolooci’s district being so bad and blaming it on the people voting her in every election considered that maybe that district’s elections are rigged, and those people are victims of Nancy and the one world order.

  12. Not to worry kids, those sugary sweet morsels of goodness will soon be removed from the shelves.
    Just wait ’til the sanctions really kick in (wheat/fertilizer inputs from China/Russia)….we’re all gonna be shedding a few lbs gratis Slo Joe and the neocons. IF you can source/afford your favs you’ll have to pay for them with US digital EagleCash.

    You’ll own nothing….now aren’t you happier?

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