“Transableism” Opens Up New Possibilities for Mutilating the Mentally Ill – IOTW Report

“Transableism” Opens Up New Possibilities for Mutilating the Mentally Ill


With the contentious debate over transgenderism and society currently raging, another identity-based category is beginning to draw attention as transableism is being seen as a way to be special with the potential for some to go to extreme lengths to join the club.

As a relatively new term for the mental malady of “Body Integrity Identity Disorder” or BIID, transabled is just the latest in an expanding and endless grift by attention seekers looking to game the system and carve out special privilege status based on an ever-expanding collection of concocted new categories of identity, none of which are allowed to be criticized. More

Paul Joseph Watson explains the phenomenon. Here

9 Comments on “Transableism” Opens Up New Possibilities for Mutilating the Mentally Ill

  1. Would love to Post this in another Thread more relevant , alas.

    Hey Jesse Watters
    Welcome Back
    Stop with the Bikini Clips
    Leave that for the Kids
    You approaching Creep Territory with that route
    Too Bill O’Reilly Girls Gone Wild Creep
    Know what I mean?

    Other than that , , ,
    Hang Five, Dude

  2. It’s past the point of no return. America’s become Sodom and Gommorah. We’re NEVER coming back. It’s just going to get worse: think about the new generation of fuck up brainwashed kids coming up – as if the past two weren’t bad enough.

  3. I think I first heard about this shit 20 years ago. At the time, it was this weird largely-British trend of otherwise healthy people wanting to have their legs amputated. And I remember thinking “what the fuck???”

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