Transgender ex-Ukrainian Army spokesperson acknowledges Nazi problem – IOTW Report

Transgender ex-Ukrainian Army spokesperson acknowledges Nazi problem

First, news from Kanekoa The Great:

We have morale and psychological issues, because foreign soldiers are here for the money, most of them, and those people are going to be the ones that are willing to engage in drugs and fundraising where they are putting the money in their own pocket

RT: Kiev has a “terrible problem with most foreign fighters,” former Ukrainian Territorial Defense Forces spokesperson Sarah Ashton-Cirillo said in a call with Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus, who were pretending to be former Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko.

Sarah Ashton-Cirillo told the ‘president’ that despite publicly defending foreign fighters and going as far as pressuring CNN into calling them ‘Western foreign fighters’ instead of ‘mercenaries,’ privately, she believes that most of them are “just a step above mercenaries.” 

The transgender American noted that many of these fighters are only in it for the money and oftentimes come to Ukraine just because “all they know is warfare” and have “no lives in their own countries.”

Furthermore, Sarah Ashton-Cirillo stated that she personally knew for a fact that many of the Western fighters coming to Ukraine have “very far-right leanings” and that there are also “some Nazi groups” among Kiev’s foreign fighter units.

The former spokesperson also stated that foreign volunteers are proving to be a “security risk” and that this has led to moral and psychological issues. Ashton-Cirillo explained that the vast majority of foreign fighters come to Ukraine to make money and that such people are more inclined to use drugs and “willing to engage in fundraising where they’re putting the money in their own pockets.” more

6 Comments on Transgender ex-Ukrainian Army spokesperson acknowledges Nazi problem

  1. It appears this guy, Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, knows what he’s talking about, even if he doesn’t know who he’s talking to.

    He too was in it for the money and recognition for trans perverts throughout the world. What a POS !

  2. Nazis were the darlings of the progressive movement and not right leaning. Read the progressive movement’s own periodical literature, it’s right there.

    They were both also very much into the occult and that is another tie that binds them together

  3. Keep representing Ukraine, you freak. And keep trashing Maria Zakharova, that spokeswoman from Russia who is the epitome of feminine intelligence and grace and beauty. That’s the thing that will REALLY isolate Russia from the 85% of humanity that lives outside the Western PSYOP bubble


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