Transgenders Sue State To Force Medicaid to Pay For Reassignment Surgery – IOTW Report

Transgenders Sue State To Force Medicaid to Pay For Reassignment Surgery

Chicago Tribune.

The lawsuit from Cody Flack, a 30-year-old transgender man, and Sara Ann Makenzie, a 41-year-old transgender woman, challenges a 1997 state regulation that deems “transsexual surgery” as medically unnecessary and therefore not eligible for Medicaid coverage.

Wisconsin is among 10 states that prohibit Medicaid coverage for sex reassignment surgery, according to the lawsuit. Another 18 states and the District of Columbia do provide coverage for those procedures under Medicaid. The remaining states don’t have stated policies on the matter. More

26 Comments on Transgenders Sue State To Force Medicaid to Pay For Reassignment Surgery

  1. My former neighbor Frank AKA Jennifer went thru a sex change right before our eyes back in the 90’s. We started to see less and less of Frank but we noticed there was a tall redhead woman living next door. At first we didn’t pay much attention to it because we figured a woman had moved in until one day 2 and 2 clicked together and my wife noticed that this woman was dressing like her and wondered what was going on. At that point she figured something weird was going on and started watching this lady and finally figured out it was Frank dressing like her and pretending to be a woman. My son who was a teenager at the time thought it was hilarious. One day I was in front of house the changing a flat tire on my car when he/she/it snuck up behind me to talk to me, I heard a male voice and turned around and saw him dressed like Alice the Goon, it was quite a surprise. Now we knew he was becoming a woman, he moved away shortly thereafter and we don’t know what happened to him although we did hear from some friends who also knew him that he did transition into a woman. I feel sorry for his young daughter who was one of my youngest daughter’s friends. I don’t know what happened to either, the whole thing was surreal. I just don’t get it.

  2. I have wealth dysphoria. I feel like a billionaire but only have a pittance in the bank. This is causing me anxiety and depression. I insist that others make it right.

  3. What is the cause of this madness, mental illness, alcohol, drugs, improper diet, free sex, all of the above. In my 74 years there were always “queers” as we called them. But it was not epidemic. Psychiatrists are nut doctors and they, themselves have become nuts.
    Yes, there is a need for psychiatry, but not to re-enforce their patients bizarre wishes.

  4. @Frank
    If they had a job, they would have to pay for it as their employer provided healthcare would not.
    The easy way and least expensive for them is for the taxpayers to foot the bill for their mental illness. Heck the folks in Madison would vote in favor of it.

  5. @Will, it doesn’t take a genius to figure it out. Idle hands are the devil’s workshop.

    Too many idlers, too much free time. No philosophy for living, no regard for anything outside their empty noggins. What they can’t decide to cover in tattoos, they want to lop off, or sew onto themselves. Recreational drugs! IOW, empty pointless lives.

    One possible cure: make them active in something. Does the Pharaoh need bricks made? Chain gangs? Oregami on a massive scale? Whatever happened to Sisyphos’ rock?

  6. The law is correct–they have fully-functioning organs and there is no reason why the state should pay to alter that which functions as it is supposed to. Such surgery is elective and cosmetic.

    In fact, I don’t know why they don’t consider it cosmetic surgery. The state doesn’t pay for elective boob jobs or nose jobs.

  7. @Will the left has moved society beyond trying to help a person with this mental illness to encouraging it all the way to mutilation of the individuals sex organs.

  8. @Will

    “What is the cause of this madness, mental illness, alcohol, drugs, improper diet, free sex, all of the above. In my 74 years there were always “queers” as we called them. But it was not epidemic. Psychiatrists are nut doctors and they, themselves have become nuts.
    Yes, there is a need for psychiatry, but not to re-enforce their patients bizarre wishes.”

    It began in the 1950’s when more and more psychiatrists and psychologists came out as fags and began to re-engineer, re-write, and re-process the concepts of fagitry in general, and here we are.

  9. Also consider the input of “mainstream/line” church “edicts” on morality and cultural definitions.

    Recent Christian Journal headline:

    “Episcopal Church Removes Terms Husband, Wife and Procreation From Marriage to make it more LGBT Compliant”

    (Mainline churches helping people go to hell everyday – worst offenders of gay identity as God friendly – United Church of Christ and Episcopal Church although the others do pretty good as well)

    Spinning sodomy into acceptability since the early 70’s)

  10. The United Church of Christ as well the Congregational Church were both dead even in the early 60’s. My mom took us to a Congregational Church in the late 50’s and early 60’s and I remember it as a church that really didn’t preach anything but the Social gospel. And if a little kid can figure that out they were in serious trouble. I first heard the real gospel at a local Assembly of God church during Vacation bible school in the early 60’s and it stuck with me and not so much what the Congregationalists stood for which was nothing and still is.

  11. Didn’t Sweden find out that the rate of suicide among those that got the surgery is 20% higher than the heterosexual population? It seems that they are still faced with the same feelings about themselves even after the surgery, so it doesn’t change anything. And they kill themselves. What a waste of money.

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