Transition to Dehumanization – IOTW Report

Transition to Dehumanization

55-year-old Richard Hernandez transitioned to a she and is now moving on to “mythical creature.”


You see, Richard here claims he was born the wrong species and is now doing his level best to take on the outward appearance of a dragon.

“It” refers to itself as “Eva Tiamat Baphomet Medusa” and has had considerable work done including removing the ears and teeth, adding horns and eye coloration as well as having its skin tattooed and scarified to look like scales.


I usually avoid playing into the mental illness of these people by avoiding using their preferred pronoun, but Richard here has earned a solid “it” for dehumanizing himself. Congrats, Freak.

33 Comments on Transition to Dehumanization

  1. And it leaves me to wonder (not that I’m going to spend a whole lot of mental time on it) how do people like that afford this crap, and what can he possibly do/have done for a living?

  2. Taken from the article, a quote by Mr Hernandez:

    “HUMANS INTRINSICALLY LIE,” it continues. “DRAGONS DON”T (sic) LIE!!!”

    I wonder at the level of abuse this guy suffered while young to make him first run from his own masculinity, and then eventually his humanity. His parents must have serially raped him wearing cartoon masks, or something. How does a mind get this broken?

  3. Proof positive that the country doesn’t have the mental health resources required …

    Wasn’t there an Old Testament prediction about a land being inhabited by dragons and shit?

    Around the time of that country’s destruction?

    Liars and tigers and bears! Oh, my!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I hate those articles on transgenders – and there are many many more now than ever – because if the author doesn’t explicitly say “he became a she” or vice-versa I never know.
    Not that I care.

  5. Who are the “surgeons” who agree to mutilate healthy bodies? This seems completely against the oath to “do no harm.” It has to be back-room/non-certified…right…right? I’m frankly afraid to find out that this is something some medical clinic thinks it totally inline with it’s “patient care mandate.”

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