Trash Bag – IOTW Report

Trash Bag


Nurse Jill walked out on stage at the DNC convention in Chicago Monday night wrapped in a plastic trash bag.

Jill Biden put on a fake smile Monday night after Kamala Harris forced her husband Joe Biden off the ballot, stole all of his delegates, and took his donor money.

Attendees holding “Jill” signs cheered as she walked out on stage in another hideous dress. More

36 Comments on Trash Bag

  1. She was caught mid-molt….The Fascinating Process Of Shedding Skin

    Shedding skin, also known as molting or ecdysis, is the process by which snakes remove their outer layer of skin. It is a remarkable feat that allows snakes to grow, renew their skin, and rid themselves of parasites. The process begins when the snake’s skin becomes dry and dull, and the outer layer separates from the new skin underneath. The snake then rubs against rough surfaces to help loosen the old skin, which gradually peels off in pieces. This process can take several days or even weeks to complete, depending on the size of the snake and the environmental conditions.

  2. “Attendees holding “Jill” signs cheered as she walked out on stage in another hideous dress”

    Which will still be described by the enemedia as more beautiful than anything Melania has ever worn or ever will.

  3. Wild Bill; stationed at Andrews AFB, I asked high level AF-1 Security troop about the Clintons looting AF-1 rumor. He thought about it for a few seconds, then said “gag order.”

  4. A teenage Baby sitter, has sex with biden while he’s still married, becomes a home wrecker, wife of a US Senator, wife of the Vice President, First Lady wife of the President.

    Jill Started as a Babysitter, Biden’s presidency pushed aside and Biden now needs a Babysitter.
    Jill has come full circle; …once again a babysitter.


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