Treacher Asking All the Right Questions – IOTW Report

Treacher Asking All the Right Questions

Picture 1The Daily Caller-

I’m asking all you abortion enthusiasts out there. You talk about killing an unwanted child — sorry, make that “inducing fetal demise” — as a matter of women’s health. You say it’s a woman’s body and therefore it’s her choice. But what if she doesn’t make that choice until the last possible second?

At what point does a meddlesome parasite become a person? At what point in a human being’s development do we go from throwing her in the trash to drawing a chalk outline around her? At what point does “women’s health” become “second-degree murder”?

-Jim Treacher


If Jennifer Berry stabbed her baby to death with a coat hanger before it (sorry,I don’t know the sex of the baby) slid out her vagina she’d be on youtube holding up flash cards with a concern face, heroically writing about exercising her “choice.”

But because she let the baby drop out of her before flinging it out a window, she’s a murderer. We’re talking about minutes here.

This is a weird, weird world.

Let’s see how weird it can get. Somebody should start a #JusticeForJennifer movement and see how many deranged leftists pick up the hashtag.

8 Comments on Treacher Asking All the Right Questions

  1. Here’s another question: Why do all my Facebook friends excitedly post pics of their ultrasounds and talk about how great it is going to be when their baby is born and becomes part of their family? Don’t they understand that it’s just a fetus, useful only for its parts, until the moment it pops out and then must be cared for by the entire ‘village’?

  2. Why is it only their tissue, responsibility and threat to health when they are incubating it but it then becomes the sole responsibility of the father (his health be damned) when she wants it feed, clothed and sheltered (along with herself for multi-many-years)) In fact most shemales want to be taken care of for the rest of their lives by a male (his health be damned) if she can get away with it (alimony)!!

  3. Someone should start an abortion clinic for dog owners who want the litters aborted…….See if liberals balk at that concept or if the irony even causes a drip in their depleted brainpans……..

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