Treasure Hunter Finds $46,000 Stashed In a Old Home – IOTW Report

Treasure Hunter Finds $46,000 Stashed In a Old Home


A family legend has been proven true in Massachusetts, where a treasure hunter uncovered a trove of cash that was long-rumoured to be hidden inside an old home.

The home belonged to a couple who lived there for decades before dying and leaving it to a relative. The relative’s daughter planned to sell the house, but she didn’t want to let it go without investigating an old story about a cache of money hidden somewhere in the home. More

My favorite part of the story, if that cash been properly invested for 60 years it would be worth $400,000 today. – Dr. Tar

14 Comments on Treasure Hunter Finds $46,000 Stashed In a Old Home

  1. Why , why, why is it that when people find a bunch of cash, the first thing they do is announce it to the world? It is almost guaranteed to bring you nothing but trouble, including IRS, lawsuits, false claims, etc.

  2. Too bad it sat there getting eaten by inflation.

    Now if that box had equivalent value of a few Rolex watches in good condition from the same era, a few pieces of gold and even silver. Boom!

  3. Dr. Tar: They wouldn’t have even had to invest it. Since those bills dated to the 30’s to 50’s, many, if not most were likely silver certificates, which, if redeemed for silver dollars before 1964, those silver dollars would be worth between $10 and $100 today. So that stash could have been worth as much as $4 million.

    By the way, after they hired a “team of contractors” and the “expert” to find the money, I wonder how much was left?

  4. My grandmother buried thousands of silver dollars in coffee cans in the root cellar of their farm in Dalton Gardens, Idaho before my grandparents passed away around 1967 or so. She didn’t tell anyone of her children, my 3 uncles an aunt and my dad about it. She was so afraid of another Depression is why she hid all those silver dollars. Anyway when the farm sold after they died the people who bought the farm found all those silver dollars and kept them which was a shame. Similarly my father in law when they went to settle his parents estate in Owensboro, Kentucky in the 1980’s fortunately found thousands of dollars stashed away in every nook and cranny inside their house which was shared among his brothers and a sister. We all wish that my grandmother hadn’t been so secretive about all those silver dollars but it was a different time back then with so many people who had lived thru the Depression were scared of having to live thru another one. My grandparents paid cash in silver dollars for a brand new camper for their old International P/U truck from a dealer in Yakima, Wash. around 1959. When the dealer asked how they were going to pay for it, she took out a large bag, probably a gunny sack and plopped it on the counter and the dealer just about had a heart attack because he was expecting them to buy it on credit. If they didn’t have the cash available to purchase large ticket items they wouldn’t buy it, that’s just the way they were.

  5. Took up metal detecting after I “Atlas Shrugged” my job. Great retirement hobby, keeps ya in good shape. Already found my wife a nice gold ring. Lots of buried history where I live, and it’s a blast to search beaches.

    Not a good idea to popularize finding hoards, in some countries it’ll land you in jail. Here it just brings the flies.

  6. CLASSIC bills in mint condition! That’ll bring a LOT more than $40k face value.

    If ONLY they’d saved it as silver dollars instead. It’d be worth a MILLION dollars at present value!


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