Troy Aikman and Joe Buck Are A-Holes – IOTW Report

Troy Aikman and Joe Buck Are A-Holes

The two dopes are caught on hot mic mocking military flyover and touting Biden/Harris…

Actually, Aikman touts the Kamala/Biden ticket..

23 Comments on Troy Aikman and Joe Buck Are A-Holes

  1. Yea dumbass, you know what that flight is? It’s called training and recruitment for the pilots, crew and our military that you goofs want to defund, along with the police. You don’t want properly trained police, but want protection from your group of antifa/blm goons.

    So it shouldn’t be any surprise you don’t want a trained military, but want protection from Joe and Kamala’s endless wars.

  2. The pilots, color guard and other military personnel consider it an honor to perform at NFL and other sporting events. The military families love to see their family members participate.

    Joe Buck and Troy Aikman belittled all of them when they made these statements. So this is what the boys in the back office think? To hell with them all.

    No more military support until these two are fired, I would love to see Trump weigh in on this one.

  3. Joe Buck got where he is because of nepotism and his dad Jack Buck also being a famous sports broadcaster. I don’t think that Jack Buck was an asshole like his son is. My daughter can not stand Joe Buck and mutes the sound whenever he’s on TV broadcasting on Fox Sports. She’ll watch the World series with the Dodgers (go Dodgers) and the Rays with the sound off. I once heard him slavishly interview Sarah Silverman during a baseball game while I yelling at the TV and about how big an ass he was, I can’t stand him either, he’s a schmuck that makes Howard Cosell look good by comparison.

  4. You’d think these worthless maggots would be thankful for the protection.

    In a just world they’d be pulling sledges filled with stone. Uphill.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Remember when Randy Moss scored a TD and went to the Packers Fans and pretended

    to drop His Pants and Moon Them?

    Joe Buck went on and on saying “That’s the most disgusting thing I’ve ever

    seen”(It was friggin hilarious)

    Don’t get Me started on Troy “I choose not to be gay” Aikman…

    The Military used to pay $200K for a NFL Flyover…I thought Trump ended that?

    Maybe when Thom Brenneman was talking about Fag City, He meant these two.

  6. I always muted stiff necked Buck when I watched football. Never much liked Aikman. Arrogant so and so’s.
    I guess killing the goose that lays their golden eggs is sport for them. Driving more fans away.

  7. I’ve been saying for years these two are a*holes. I always mute the TV and put Wayne Larrivee and Larry McCarren on the radio rather than have to sit through these two putting down my team (US military and the Packers).

  8. The least popular of the NFL prime time crews!

    They better not watch the ARMY/NAVY flyover with Apaches, F-18s & Fireworks.

    These flyovers have been going on for decades, even before Hunter was a Bag Man for his Crime Family.

  9. When MY PRESIDENT explained that Goodell was GWB’s bff I found something else to do Sunday, 4 years ago!

    Had Troy not lived nearby 35 years ago I would not know him. Buck?

    When GWB’s bud is fired I will watch NFL

  10. Drove through Winston-Salem NC last Friday where over that short distance I saw 3 or four bill boards supporting Biden. Each one was some combination of :

    I am a Veteran/ Retired Police Officer/Conservative – I am a Republican – I am voting for Joe Biden. Dumb comes from many backgrounds.

  11. Speaking of tax dollars at work, has the NFL started paying their fair share yet or are they still getting the sweetheart deals they should have never gotten in the first place?


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