Trudeau Visits India – Greeted by Back Bencher – IOTW Report

Trudeau Visits India – Greeted by Back Bencher


Trudeau was greeted by the minister of state for agriculture.

Trudeau failure

The low esteem in which Trudeau is held overseas by leaders like Modi shows how badly Trudeau has failed.

See the humiliation HERE

ht/ nm

17 Comments on Trudeau Visits India – Greeted by Back Bencher

  1. Like 0webongo’s first Summit Meeting…They had to find a

    folding chair for Him to sit on…as there was no room at

    the table.

    Then later the no stairs for Air Force One….

  2. As a Canadian and Albertan I have to laugh at all the comments here! I love Trump and all he is doing for America even though some things may be harmful for us in the short term. As the average voter had to suffer through Obama until it hurt, so must the idiots here. Unfortunately it may take another term from that dip shit for it to hurt enough for people to really open their eyes. God bless Trump and America! MAGA!!

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