Trump in 1988 With Essentially the Same Message – People Were Nodding in Approval Then – IOTW Report

Trump in 1988 With Essentially the Same Message – People Were Nodding in Approval Then

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9 Comments on Trump in 1988 With Essentially the Same Message – People Were Nodding in Approval Then

  1. That’s one thing about the Donald, he has been on all three sides about every issue, and has an escape clause to find a fourth side to be on….and he can justify that flip.

    He could also sell ice to eskimo’s and make them brag that they bought it from him. He has the ability to sell you crap that is all around you that is free, but since you bought it it is worth more, and who you bought it from makes it even better!

    Welcome to Washington D.C. people! Masters of the game!

  2. I don’t think he’s changed much from his stance then to what he thinks now. That video was 27 years ago. I like it that he’s taking people to task on both sides. Every politician sells the public a bill of goods that never get delivered. The guy we have now in the WH is the worst jerk off I’ve ever seen – him and his Mooche wife. Disgusting. At least Trump is a breath of fresh air. I hope he delivers during the debates.

  3. I think The Donald’s celebrity could take him to the White House. Americas lo fo voters have the attention span of a gnat and equal intelligence too.

    They won’t want another Bush because of W, Hil is old and unhip and Repub policy wonks bore them.

    It’ll be Trump-Cruz or Walker and they’ll do the heavy lifting. The VP and President roles will be reversed.

  4. …..between 88 and 2015 he was saying just the opposite on many of his views. He was a big Clinton supporter back then. He seems to blow with the political wind.

    That said, I haven’t ruled out supporting him now if he convinces me he means what he says now.

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