Trump Admin Files Court Brief to Abolish Obamacare – IOTW Report

Trump Admin Files Court Brief to Abolish Obamacare


The Trump administration filed a formal request on May 1 to abolish the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as “Obamacare.”

A Texas district court judge ruled late last year that Obamacare became unconstitutional after Congress repealed the individual mandate provision of the law. The Trump administration didn’t initially support the ruling, but changed course on March 25, telling the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals that the district court’s ruling “should be affirmed.”

In a 75-page court brief (pdf), the Justice Department offers an extensive defense for the district court’s decision. The department argues that Congress wouldn’t have approved Obamacare without the individual mandate, with significant portions of the legislation depending on that provision.

The individual mandate portion of Obamacare required all taxpayers who aren’t enrolled in a health insurance plan to pay a fine to the Internal Revenue Service. The Supreme Court’s decision upholding Obamacare rested entirely on an interpretation of the individual mandate as a tax. Republicans severed the monetary penalty portion of the mandate as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in December 2017.

The gutting of the mandate paved the way for the case in Texas, with District Judge Reed O’Connor from Fort Worth ruling on Dec. 14, 2018, that all of Obamacare is unconstitutional, in absence of the mandate’s power to raise revenue. With the penalty gone, the mandate no longer could be used to prop up Obamacare using Congress’s taxation powers.  read more

4 Comments on Trump Admin Files Court Brief to Abolish Obamacare

  1. Why do elected officials keep lying to us, telling us they have all the answers? It would be much better if they’d just stop breaking things and stay out of our lives. I don’t recall signing up for automatic forced BS ideas at birth.

  2. I PAY $16,500 WITH A $7500 DEDUCTIBLE FOR HEALTH INSURANCE JUST FOR MYSELF. But you democrat dickheads will give it away to illegals for free.


  3. The act became unconstitutional as soon as they successfully argued to the Supreme Court of These United States that it was a tax. Article 1, Section 7 of the Constitution, all revenue bills must originate from the House.


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