Trump and the Abandoned Democrats – IOTW Report

Trump and the Abandoned Democrats

Recent polling indicates roughly 20% of Democrats would likely cross party lines and vote for Donald Trump.



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14 Comments on Trump and the Abandoned Democrats

  1. Abandoned Democrats? More like the Abandoned Middle Class.

    Trump is simply hitting on all the bullshit goof elitists try and shove down everyone’s throat daily. I don’t care if you’re white, black, Democrat, Republican or Pastafarian! Trump is the voice of people who are pissed off and after 7 years of Obozo, just about everyone besides the socialite insiders are fcuking pissed off.

  2. I’ll just tell you guys, that here in Southern California liberal land, where we move in very lefty circles, we have had multiple friends secretly tell us they are “getting more conservative,” and/or voting for Trump. It’s real.

  3. Here in Northern California we are much more conservative, but the prevailing attitude seems to be, Fuck It, I’m voting for trump. People are ready for a big swing, and thy will show up to vote.

  4. Hillary won’t even be their nominee. I can’t believe there are still people around that think Trump has invested this much time, energy, and money into this campaign to throw it to a Democrat.

  5. He’s been buying politicians his whole life. The man has got more money than he knows what to with. What he’s spent on this is pocket change. The media is giving him free air time. He’s got secret service protection, owns his own plane, I mean really !! Just sayin’ something’s not right. I hope I’m wrong, time will tell.

  6. Well let’s take those in order.
    He’s been buying and catering to politicians his entire life because he’s a real estate developer. He needs shit pushed through and fast tracked all the time or he loses money.
    That’s how he got all that money.

    The media is giving him free air time because he’s playing the like a cheap musical instrument. And it’s fun to watch.

    He does have hos own plane. Good for him.

    He does have secret service protection. Those will probably be the guys that try and off him. He kept his own guys too.

    There’s no down side here. I’ve had it with politicians. He’s a Nationalist. Lets see if this guy can’t fix this mess. We keep electing “Vote for me and I’ll set you free” politicians that talk the talk and nothing changes. I say lets give him a whirl.

  7. I’ve been listening to most of his rallies. Call me a fanboy if you want, they are entertaining. He really just does walk up to the podium and talk for an hour about oh, whatever.

    He is casting a VERY wide net, and brings up every time now about how it isn’t about politics any more. It’s about protecting this place where we live.

  8. The other day on Meet the Press, when Trump said “It was the Democrat debate, not the Democratic debate – get it right,” I heard someone that is truly pissed off at Democrats – like I am. I am convinced Trump is sincere.

  9. Replying to mortgageforthemasses (there was no reply button). There are a lot of people who frequent this site who are for Ted Cruz, if the poll post the other day is any indication. We are just mostly quieter because we don’t enjoyed being piled upon.

    I keep hearing from the Trump-ites that Trump is the only one who is electable. My view is why would we want to elect a Clinton-loving liberal? I have read nearly all the comments from people here justifying their belief in Donald Trump. So far, I’ve seen nothing to make me change my mind. And after all, if you have a favorite candidate, aren’t you trying to get people to vote for him? I don’t think anyone can afford to say, “screw you, we don’t need your vote.”

    All I can go on is a candidate’s history. What they say matters, but not as much as what they have or haven’t done.

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