Trump Appoints Mike Lindell To Help Make Minnesota Great Again – IOTW Report

Trump Appoints Mike Lindell To Help Make Minnesota Great Again

Western Journal: President Donald Trump has appointed a true American patriot, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, to chair his re-election campaign in the state of Minnesota.

Lindell, an outspoken supporter of the president, epitomizes the “America First” policies embraced by the #MAGA movement. After all, unlike many business executives who rarely hesitate to send manufacturing jobs overseas, Lindell makes all of his products right here in the United States.

In addition, Lindell has used his success as a force for good as the nation has grappled with hardships over the past few months.
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11 Comments on Trump Appoints Mike Lindell To Help Make Minnesota Great Again

  1. Lindell may come across as an ass to some people but he has a compelling and motivational message that includes the power of Godly intervention and the fact that FAITH changes lives. He is an excellent representative for Donald Trump in that state.

    Go get’m Mike.

  2. This buff sleeper prefers his sheets to the super mushy soft ones from Boll and Branch. The B&B ones are too thin and cling unless they are changed every few days. DH could care less either way, except Lindell’s sheets cost much less.

  3. “Lindell may come across as an ass to some people”

    The only people that think Mike is an ass are lazy shiftless ideologues who wouldn’t know adversity if they sat on it and have accomplished nothing in their lives even remotely as compelling as Mike’s story.

  4. Mike Lindell seems like a fine guy and a good choice to chair the campaign chair in Minnesota. I did get suckered into buying a couple pillows, too bad they are not the type I like. How much money does he spend on advertising I wonder?

  5. @ joe6pak JUNE 15, 2020 AT 4:11 PM

    That is just about word for word what I was thinking about the man.

    I don’t know if I prefer his pillows or not though. I know I have a couple here, but couldn’t tell you which are which. Dearly departed mom had something for me every couple days the last few years before she passed away. I took it home and either put it into service or added it my back stock. The pillows are here though and we use them, but I forget which ones they are.


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