Trump Biden Contrast – IOTW Report

Trump Biden Contrast

21 Comments on Trump Biden Contrast

  1. @SNS I am at the laundromat w/ my brother and I’m crying after watching the video of President Trump kissing the helmet. He’s such a wonderful man. He has so much compassion for all of us. I always think I couldn’t possibly love him anymore then I already do.

  2. It’s honestly sad, he’s an old man with obvious dementia, his body is giving out on him. It’s sad when it’s any old person and sadly if we live long enough all of us will be there at some point. It’s dangerous for our Nation because most of us will never be the figure head for a Nation.

  3. JM, if you were watching MSNBC their talking heads weren’t even at the RNC convention. They did their little shows in front of a “green screen” – what the TeeVee meteorologists use for an in studio weather forecast !!

  4. Scarborough: “Start your tape right now because I’m about to tell you the truth — and f*** you if you can’t handle the truth. This version of Biden, intellectually, analytically, is the best Biden ever. Not a close second. And I’ve known him for years. … If it weren’t the truth, I wouldn’t say it.”

    The above quote is textbook for why the media has become a reviled laughing stock. Granted, MSLSD is about the worst of the lot. But saying the rest of the media are better is like saying Rosie O’Donnell is hotter than Stacy Abrams.

    Biden has never been regarded as particularly bright. Now he’s little more than a basket case. This is not new. He was damaged and deteriorating when he was placed in office and now he’s the worst Biden ever. And f*** you if you can’t handle the truth.

  5. Only slightly relevant (because we don’t have a Hulk Hogan thread this morning) but very funny:

    Does anyone remember the scene in “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World” where Jonathan Winters single-handedly destroys the new gas station as he seeks revenge on Phil Silvers?

    I barely knew who Hulk Hogan was before he took the stage last night and my eyes bugged out of my head and my guts hurt from laughing at his fabulous showmanship. But I gotta say, I’ve never been more entertained by completely over-the-top than his build-up and crescendo of ripping his tee shirt off to expose the “Trump 2024” shirt underneath!
    It so completely reminded me of that movie scene with Winters toppling the gas station water tower and the last remaining wall and roof section crashed down into the rubble heap.

    Hogan was incredibly entertaining, informative, AND resolute. A human demolition derby with an important message.

  6. AA

    I thought he was awesome too. Kinda of a flashback to the 80’s when everyone held their chins a little higher. The guys 70 years old. He still has a huge fan base. He has a huge state of the art gym at his home in Florida. All the old retired wrestlers visit and lift weights and complain about what hurts.

  7. Anonymous, most of the women who have killed their own children will voat Demshevik, even the 70 year old box wine women. They are terrified someone will take away their “right” to child sacrifice.

  8. Abigail Adams , The Jonathan Winters one man wrecking crew was my favorite scene. Left me a sputtering mess the first time I saw it and it didn’t diminish over time . That’s one movie that I wish could be erased from my mind just to view it again .


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