Trump calls for ‘new justices’ on Supreme Court, as conservatives rage at Roberts – IOTW Report

Trump calls for ‘new justices’ on Supreme Court, as conservatives rage at Roberts


President Trump, in the wake of Thursday’s defeat at the Supreme Court in his efforts to repeal the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, called for new justices as conservatives took aim at Chief Justice John Roberts for what they called a “pattern” of siding with the liberal wing in key decisions.

“The recent Supreme Court decisions, not only on DACA, Sanctuary Cities, Census, and others, tell you only one thing, we need NEW JUSTICES of the Supreme Court. If the Radical Left Democrats assume power, your Second Amendment, Right to Life, Secure Borders, and … Religious Liberty, among many other things, are OVER and GONE!”  he tweeted.

He went on to promise that he will release a “new list of Conservative Supreme Court Justice nominees, which may include some, or many of those already on the list, by September 1, 2020.” more

15 Comments on Trump calls for ‘new justices’ on Supreme Court, as conservatives rage at Roberts

  1. roberts was never a dependable conservative vote. Thank God, I say, THANK GOD TRUMP WAS ELECTED. I will do all i can to get that man another 4 years. I do believe that God is allowing this country to swirl around the drain only to rescue it at the last second, making everyone realize Who did it and why.

  2. I want to know what the AIC or IBF has on him? Or worse, Maxine Waters and Obama, what did their little army find out about Roberts?

    That POS Roberts could not even read back Rand Pauls question about the most untalked about person in DC history,

    ERIC CIAmerella…..something is fucked up so that means ask the right fucking questions:

  3. My longtime friend sent me his Supreme Thoughts earlier.

    PRESIDENT Trump’s revenge on Roberts perhaps?

    “Ok, if Roberts says EO can’t be superceded by next POTUS, can’t current POTUS use to extreme advantage??”

    “Hey Jay Sekulow, draft me an EO on Religious Liberty…”


  4. Roberts was compromised going in. Hell, Stevie Wonder could see that by the lack of opposition he faced. I personally believe that the Chicago Democrat machine has the goods on him and word went out that there would be only token opposition allowed to his confirmation.

    I said that at the time and my observations and analysis have been being validated since.

  5. So called “activist ” judges
    READ INTO the constitution things that
    are just plain not there,

    But only exist as a phantasm and wish
    as if they were re-drawing the constitution
    even if by some crazy delusion they
    would ever have such authority.

    This is the essence of leftist
    extremist mentality or lack of it.

    Mr. UNjustice Roberts needs to be
    publically humiliated for the jerk he is.

    The PEOPLE are the ultimate authority
    in the USA and not a political appointee
    who wants to play G-D !

    May G-D have mercy on his soul.

    He won’t get any from me.

  6. Had you “taken out your wallets and paid attention” 15 years ago it would have been “crystal clear” Roberts has always been a lefty who ignored the Constitution.

    So many “low information” Republicans is why we got GWB and then Roberts.

    think for yourselves! Liberals always lie. None more liberal than GWB! roberts lied to the Senate. Had you done some independent research his lies would have been “as plane as the nose on your face” ( IMHO that was a good blog)
    Roberts was a lefty 20 years ago; hes a lefty today; and will be a lefty in 2025!


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