Trump Campaign Exposes 6 Separate Foreign Policy Lies by Democrat Joe Biden – IOTW Report

Trump Campaign Exposes 6 Separate Foreign Policy Lies by Democrat Joe Biden


From Iraq to Iran, Afghanistan to Ukraine, and everywhere in between, President Donald Trump’s campaign says former Vice President Joe Biden has been lying nonstop about foreign policy in recent days in an attempt to revise history in his political favor.

The Democrat presidential frontrunner in 2020, Biden, has made a number of claims in recent days that are demonstrably untrue, ranging from false claims that the Iran deal during the Obama administration “solved” the problem of Iran to untrue claims that he was supportive of former President Obama’s decision to launch the 2011 raid that finally killed Osama bin Laden.

Matt Wolking, the deputy communications director for rapid response for President Trump’s re-election campaign, joined Breitbart News Sunday on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel this weekend to expose several of Biden’s recent lies about foreign policy.

“What you’re seeing is Joe Biden is out there on the campaign trail trying to claim he is a foreign policy expert, and he claims that that is his area of expertise—which is really quite funny when you think about it,” Wolking said. “His own Defense Secretary under Obama, Bob Gates, said that he was wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades. So, now Biden is trying to rewrite history. He’s telling lie after lie to voters on a whole host of issues.”

Wolking and the Trump campaign before the show released a document demonstrating how Biden has in recent days spread six separate lies about his foreign policy record, all attempting to clean up what has been a political mess for him in the days leading up to the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primaries next month.

1.) Biden falsely claims he and Obama ‘solved’ Iran

At an event in Iowa on Friday, Biden claimed that the Trump administration had, regarding Iran, sparked an “extremely dangerous problem that our administration had solved and put on the back burner back on the table.”

The claim that Biden and Obama “solved” the Iran issue just is not true.

“He claims that with the Iran nuclear issue, he claims that he and President Obama solved the Iran issue and put it on the back burner,” Wolking said on Breitbart News Sunday. “But that’s ridiculous. President Obama himself admitted that down the road his nuclear deal would have allowed Iran to build the bomb almost instantly, moving the breakout time to near-zero.”

Obama did in an interview NPR in 2015 admit that his deal would not stop Iran from building a nuclear bomb, and that after the thirteenth year of that framework, Iran would be able to build one almost instantly.

“What is a more relevant fear would be that in Year 13, 14, 15, they have advanced centrifuges that enrich uranium fairly rapidly, and at that point, the breakout times would have shrunk almost down to zero,” Obama said of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly known as the “Iran deal.”

But that’s not the only reason Biden’s claims that he and Obama “solved” Iran are untrue, Wolking said. When the JCPOA was in its final stages, Iran infamously took hostage ten American sailors and brought them to their knees. Wolking also detailed how Iran never stopped its militant aggression against the United States, continuing it for years after that deal, eventually leading up to the attack on the U.S. embassy in Baghdad in the past couple weeks.

“Of course, we all remember when the deal was being finalized Iran took ten American sailors hostage and had them on their knees with their hands up,” Wolking said. “Of course, the Obama administration and Joe Biden included treated Iran very respectfully during that whole situation in order to make sure that they could still get that deal done. After the deal was done, Iran continued its provocations against U.S. military assets—harassing ships, launching attacks through their proxies in the region against U.S. troops and Americans. Of course that all culminated over Christmas when an American was killed in Iraq. [They were also behind the embassy attack] a few days later.”

2.) Biden falsely claims he did not support ‘nation building’ in Afghanistan

At the end of December, in an interview with the Des Moines Register, Biden claimed he never supported “nation building” in Afghanistan:

When the military came along and said here’s what we’re going to do, we’re going to unite this nation and nation-build. And I argued from the very beginning, there’s no nation building. There’s been no nation building there for five centuries. Five centuries.

But back during the immediate aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, in early October 2001, CNN reported that Biden—then the chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee—was developing a plan to “propose reconstruction” in Afghanistan after a then-eventual U.S. invasion.

Biden did not want to nation build in just Afghanistan, either: He sought to do so in several other nations in the region as well. more here

6 Comments on Trump Campaign Exposes 6 Separate Foreign Policy Lies by Democrat Joe Biden

  1. He’s fookin’ toast the second he gets on stage to debate President Trump. DJT won’t sit there like the moron Ryan and let this asshole prattle and laugh his way through it.


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