Trump Campaign Gets Immediate Avalanche Of Cash After Guilty Verdict, Donation Site Crashes – IOTW Report

Trump Campaign Gets Immediate Avalanche Of Cash After Guilty Verdict, Donation Site Crashes


Former President Donald Trump’s campaign donation page crashed Thursday within minutes of the jury returning a guilty verdict.

Shortly after the verdict, the page displayed a 500 error stating “something went wrong.” Trump also received massive influxes of cash from major donors after the verdict, including $300,000 from Sequoia Capital partner Shaun Maguire. more

11 Comments on Trump Campaign Gets Immediate Avalanche Of Cash After Guilty Verdict, Donation Site Crashes

  1. Government to take advantage of the recent Supreme Court ruling on seizing property for “criminal” gain with no due process rights and take it all in 3…2…1…

  2. My first thought after the phony baloney jury issued their “judgement” was that donations to the Trump campaign would set records.
    We sent some money shortly after hanging our American flag upside down outside.

  3. If they sense Trump will win the election, then they’re gonna cancel the election on a pretense as flimsy and contrived as these bullshit “felonies” they just “convicted” Trump on. The DoD is run by faggots and commies now. So the military will let them do it. The only hope is that red states form a coalition of resistance and purge the democrat filth from their state political infrastructure before they sabotage it.

  4. Wargame this: Biden forces Russia to start a war with us. Biden as a wartime president suspends elections ala Zelensky in order to save democracy.

  5. I heard commissary is very expensive these days, food/petroleum jelly & McDonald’s your talking thru the roof. Sir,sir excuse me but you dropped your soap on rope, look it’s right there.

  6. It isn’t Donald Trump’s website that crashed, it’s WinRed’s (at least that’s what I get when I click on the link). Anybody have any idea how I can go directly to Trump’s website?

  7. Simple facts
    2008 Election – 129 million votes
    2012 Election – 127 million votes
    2016 Election – 128 million votes
    2020 Election – 155 million votes


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