Trump campaign won’t credential Bloomberg reporters after controversial editorial decision – IOTW Report

Trump campaign won’t credential Bloomberg reporters after controversial editorial decision

Conservative Review:

[…] After liberal billionaire and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg formally announced his candidacy for president last month, Bloomberg News’ editor-in-chief, John Micklethwait, wrote in a memo to staffers that the outlet will “continue our tradition of not investigating Mike,” generating considerable backlash from journalists. Notably, former Bloomberg News politics director Kathy Kiely said that the rules “relegate his political writers to stenography journalism.” read more

10 Comments on Trump campaign won’t credential Bloomberg reporters after controversial editorial decision

  1. Also, msNBC Mika Moneyshakers Mom is reportedly involved in OMB Funded State EuroDollar Account Money Transfers and NGO ARMS SALES but Flower Blooming Candy Mountain Investigators and Journullistos have been ordered to stand down On Bloombergers Candy Mountain

  2. John Brennan just called for the arrest of President Trump on msNBC Dead Line White House Nicolle ‘Spits Schmidts’ Wallace Show at approx + -1 4:20 PM EST.

    Nicolle ‘Spits Schmidts’ Wallace didn’t swallow because Heidi Przybyla blah blah about money money money for Ukraine Aid was more tasty.

    But. . . Honest John Brennan just called for the President Trumps arrest.




  3. msNBC paid silent face rage stage actress Heidi Przybyla is so botoxically outraged with TDS that her upper lip shifted 1/32nd of a centimetre during a right royal rant, and it was photometrically measured and recorded.

  4. I wrote Mr. Trump’s transition team and proposed removing the credentials of the White House Press Corps, requiring the news agency to submit three resumes of reporters who have never written a fake news story, selecting one new reporter for each news agency, removing their credentials if they published fake news stories, and then move on to the next one, and then the next one.

  5. This is bad! I mean it is one thing to say that you are the tribune of the public good and then turn around and claim that some information cannot be handed out due to deadlines and or media limitations. ( At least in the bad ole days ) Does this guy even understand what he did to himself? Does he think that he can fool everybody? Including the good ole boys of the South? I need a drink!


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