Trump Correct on Surveillance Claim – IOTW Report

Trump Correct on Surveillance Claim

House Intelligence head Rep. Devin Nunes confirmed TODAY that President-elect Trump and his team WERE SURVEILLED between Election Day and Inauguration Day.

House Intelligence chair Nunes says ‘normal foreign surveillance’ may have snared Trump

Raw Story – “This information was legally brought to me by sources who thought we should know it,” Nunes said. There were, he said, “dozens of reports, but no mention of Russia.”

Nunes said that the information was collected in “incidental surveillance” that was conducted as part of a routine investigation. However, the information was leaked and the individuals involved were “unmasked” and the information disseminated through the intelligence community (IC), he said.

Watch video from the press conference at this link–>

ht/ c. steven tucker


20 Comments on Trump Correct on Surveillance Claim

  1. How could they say there was no surveillance of Trump when they also admit that an investigation has been ongoing for almost a year! If not wiretaps what did Comey do dumpster dive in Trump’s garbage cans?

  2. i never doubted trump on this, he is winning on all fronts, and the left is digging itself into a deeper hole

    they should hang their heads in embarrassment and shame, stupid assholes

    how’s that impeachment thingy coming, maxine

  3. What : said.

    The Dems and Obama will regret they ever pushed this crap. By the way, PDT, do you still think the Clintons are “good people” that you ” don’t want to hurt”? I’m only asking because it seems the scales have been removed from your eyes where Barky is concerned, so there is hope that you’ll chase Hillary back into the woods soon.

  4. I won’t hold my breath waiting for an apology from the WSJ for their “fake president” editorial. This revelation revokes the editorial’s premise.

    It’s time to go for criminal charges against the Clintons, the Weiners, et. al. NOW.

  5. Sooo, NOTHING President Trump tweeted was wrong, close to wrong, paranoiac, or crazy.
    He was surveilled, legal or not, there was information leaked, THAT was illegal.
    Just another smidgen to crack the O’Baja legacy, such as it is.

  6. I wonder whether they know who the leakers were but aren’t saying anything. What will it take to get the AG involved at this point. If Trump was right about this maybe he was also right about Obama knowing and giving a go ahead to leak.

  7. Trumps a pretty smart guy. He wouldn’t have tweeted it if he didn’t have proof. I think we’re about a year away from the media, libtards and RINO’s turning into total pavlovian dogs.

  8. Be thankful you don’t work where I do. Here’s the shit I have to put up with:

    1. “Nunes said outright today that OBAMA DID NOT TAP TRUMP’S PHONES. So — during his Orchestrated Big Reveal — he reinforced that Trump’s tweet that kicked off this whole mess was bullshit.”

    2. “Nunes caught his dick in the door. He bitched about leakers “unmasking” Russian agents in Trump’s entourage, then he leaked to Trump information he got from a leaker. So he gave information about an investigation to the prime focus of the investigation. Nunes should logically be arrested.”

    3. “Dumbvida, bitch, if they were monitored it was part of the investigation over their collusion with the Russians, and not anything Obama ordered.”

    4. “Nunes is a violent lunatic who acted in concert with the Portuguese government against the Pentagon’s attempt to save money by closing its base in the Azores in favor of a modernized base in the UK. He has called Nancy Pelosi a Communist, said a Michigan republican of Arab descent “al qaeda’s best friend in Congress” for OPPOSING blanket NSA surveillance (said republican had voted against water subsidies for Nunes’ district, which he said was a conspiracy of San Francisco liberals working with the Michigan republican on this issue and the NSA surveillance one). So if the Trump transition team was under surveillance, it was most likely at the request of Mr. Nunes.”

  9. Obama was spying on Trump in July according to Comey’s testimony. I’m willing to bet Trump knew about it (he’s shown he is very well connected) and laid a trap for Hillary.

    Trump probably instructed his campaign staff to lament they’ll never break the blue wall – Clinton is just too strong in MI, WI, PA – knowing Obama would give Hillary the info. That’s why she didn’t bother to campaign there.

    Ta Da!

  10. @Page O Turner — It was all about the election. D’s don’t give a shit about the Ruskies. Both the Clintons have been well paid by the Russians and have BFF relationship$ there.

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