Trump Criticizes FDA And Big Pharma, Proposes Ban On Government Employees Turning Into Lobbyists – IOTW Report

Trump Criticizes FDA And Big Pharma, Proposes Ban On Government Employees Turning Into Lobbyists

Daily Caller-

Former President Donald Trump blasted the FDA and pharmaceutical giants during his appearance on Theo Von’s podcast Tuesday, proposing a ban on government employees becoming lobbyists.

During a discussion on the opioid epidemic and fentanyl crisis on the podcast “This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von,” the comedian brought up the influence of Big Pharma in Washington D.C., where thousands of lobbyists outnumber the hundreds of U.S. Senators and Representatives. He then asked former President Trump about potential solutions to this escalating crisis. more here

6 Comments on Trump Criticizes FDA And Big Pharma, Proposes Ban On Government Employees Turning Into Lobbyists

  1. No more lobbyists, period. That’s been discussed since I first voted in the 70s. Don’t know what’s so hard to figure out that laws should be written by lawmakers, not self serving companies.

    Of course, we now have to add that all the laws written and passed are for everyone, public and private. None of this exception for those passing the laws to not be held to those same laws.

  2. Heroin, Fentanyl, and other illicitly obtained opioid consumption is driven up by denying people effective pain medicines, which is EXACTLY what the Feds are doing.

    Pain make you crazy.

    If the doctor cant help you, you’ll find someone who CAN.

    And that’s a FAR more dangerous and completely unmonitored path…

  3. …if President Trump REALLY wants to prove he’s going to control Big Pharma, he should first STOP PROMOTING THE VAXXX, then apologize for being misled by Fauci and Co. on “Operation Warp Speed”, THEN vow to make forced medical experiments not only illegal but SEVERELY punishable, then work to revoke their immunity for the killshot and return the definition of “vaccine” to its ORIGINAL meaning.

    Until he deals with the Coof Goof, Pharma will continue to own him.

    And us…

  4. Everyone comes up with a BAND-AID for problems rather than addressing the ROOT CAUSE. PREVENT government from having ANY ROLE in how businesses operate, protecting them from competition, etc. These problems ONLY EXIST because government has WAY TOO MUCH POWER. Why is the government in charge of any of this, rather than a competitive marketplace of independent review groups like Consumer Reports, etc.? Seriously…why? There would be ZERO worries if the marketplace were in charge rather than POLITICIANS. But nobody can release their dependency on government POWER long enough to realize that it is the ROOT CAUSE of ALL of our problems. The libertarians have been 100% right ALL ALONG. Government power is the root cause of all problems, and ONLY by slashing government power 100% (ideally) can we ever rid ourselves of the plague on our nation.

  5. There is a simple answer (to me, anyway), market economics: begin by executing the suppliers (sellers) and manufacturers rather than providing them with room and board on my tax dollar for twenty years (the EU Liberals have taken over our jusdicial system, but that’s a rant for another day).
    This will drive up the cost of the product thereby reducing availablity to only the very wealthy, perhaps a beneficial side-effect.


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