Trump Discusses Rigged Republican Delegate Systems – IOTW Report

Trump Discusses Rigged Republican Delegate Systems

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Trump discusses the rigged system. ^

28 Comments on Trump Discusses Rigged Republican Delegate Systems

  1. That diabolical Cruz….he singlehandedly rigged 50 State delegate mechanisms last year to ensure The Donald® would be screwed out of delegates from Colorado and elsewhere. [sarcasm intended, somebody cue BB to come attack me!]

  2. The problem is that Trump, while he might expect people to lie and cheat, didn’t count on the low standards set by Cruz. Trump wrote The Art of the Deal, not the Art of the Steal. Cruz needs to be taken down. He’s such an ass.

  3. This is fundamentally the same system that gave us Bush, McCain and Romney – they were the best at wielding GOPe insider power

    The rules for candidate nomination are left up to the individual state political parties – making a set of national rules is not the answer.

    This is not going to go away – there is too much power to be wrestled from the professional R classes. Hopefully the Colorado Republican voters will pay more attention earlier come next election

    If nothing else, Trump has exposed the underside of the GOPe

  4. When even a former Colorado GOP Chair says it’s bad news, *something’s* gotta give…

    “The Message We’re Sending Is Your Vote Doesn’t Matter and Doesn’t Count.”



  5. so why are you pushing so hard for a life long dem that changed parties 30 minutes ago and now says he is against abortion and pro gun and …. So Cruz may not be all that but neither is trump. I personally would trust Cruz more than I do trump to NOT jump to the Dark side after the election.

  6. I’m sure glad Trump hires only the best and the brightest to work for him. They definitely understand all the rules, and there is no way anyone could beat them at their own game.

    I would hate to see what happens in the Trump camp when things really get tough. What an irony that the guy who has openly bragged about bending the political system to his will for years and years through a few donations (aka bribes) here and there would fail to understand how the game is played.

  7. Yeah, Trump loved the primary system when he was winning. Even the nuts that fell here from the treehouse thought it was working perfectly.
    Now that Trump is failing, a quick 180 is in order.
    By the way, those self same nuts lambasted me when I was bringing up problems with the primary system. I was accused of being a Cruz plant.
    They are even madder at me now that they agree with me.

  8. Hehehehe. I’m finally back. I thought I should comment on a Cruz post. I’ve been praying real hard that God will save our nation.

    I finally have my new computer. I hate it. Windows 10. I want my XP back. But it died.

    I’m trying Pale Moon and not convinced it’s what I want, but will wait a while.

    I’VE MISSED MY iOTWr!!!!

    Go Cruz!

  9. You know Colorado — there was no red siren on Drudge when we won all 34 delegates in Colorado. That wasn’t news, because — I mean listen, that’s fine. If people want to get on the “Trump train,” they can. – Cruz

    waa waa waaa

  10. Aside from Pookie and a few others, everybody in both the MSM and the alternative media are either Pro-Trump or walking a careful line.
    I don’t blame them. Trump may win and he has been very outspoken about how he will go after anyone in the media that isn’t toeing his line.
    The media have seen what a president can do to his enemies after watching Soetoro.
    At least Cruz is not afraid to point it out.

  11. Nice dress. Bubblegum porn pink. You will now blow me.

    Future Marge Simpson – “Oh my! Fox News has become a soft porn site so gradually that I never noticed.”

  12. @menderman ~ the 10 upgrade kludges a lot of 8 stuff & doesn’t play nice w/ Edge or Exploder. I bit the bullet & purchased a new computer w/ the installed version of 10 …. runs very well (knock on wood) & much better than 8 or the upgrade 10 … haven’t had any problems since I got it back in Jan.

  13. Maybe my ears are failing me, but at the 2:40 point, when Trump says that the system’s rigged, I could have SWORN I heard him say “…and, by the way, not just on our side; I think it’s worse on the Republican side”.

    Um, what exactly would “our side” be, Don?


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