Trump Donates First Quarter Salary to Department of Veterans Affairs – IOTW Report

Trump Donates First Quarter Salary to Department of Veterans Affairs


President Donald Trump donated his first quarter 2018 salary to the Department of Veterans Affairs for their caregiver programs – including support for mental health and peer support – continuing in his tradition of donating his salary each quarter.

“As you know President Trump is deeply committed to our veterans,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders declared as she announced the donation during Thursday’s press conference. She remarked that the president is “fighting for reform and accountability at the VA.” 

6 Comments on Trump Donates First Quarter Salary to Department of Veterans Affairs

  1. He probably makes that every week, but still, nice of him to give that money away.

    Damn. To be so rich that you can send a few hundred thousand here and there and not sweat. What’s THAT like? LOL.

  2. That job isn’t a walk in the park even for oZero, and considering all the crap PDJT has had to take, he’s done an extraordinary job without getting paid a dime. Indeed, he’s almost certainly lost money because he can’t manage his empire hands-on, he’s had to delegate.

    oBozo, the thieving hag, Burnee, or any of the other scum would never run for office if they couldn’t plunder and loot the treasury. No matter President Trump’s shortcomings, he’s a better person than all the politicians combined.

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