Trump Doubles Down on Theory Romney’s Not Really Mormon – IOTW Report

Trump Doubles Down on Theory Romney’s Not Really Mormon

mitt romney wave

NRO: On Friday, Donald Trump questioned whether Mitt Romney is actually Mormon. “I have many friends that live in Salt Lake City — and by the way, Mitt Romney is not one of them,” Trump said during a Salt Lake City speech. ”Are you sure he’s a Mormon? Are we sure?” 

This is the third time Trump has questioned the faith of one of his opponents, despite having criticized the practice of questioning other people’s faith, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos pointed out this morning during an interview with Trump. “Why do you keep doing it?” he asked.

Here’s Trump’s reply:

56 Comments on Trump Doubles Down on Theory Romney’s Not Really Mormon

  1. It matters not whether he’s a Mormon, Jew, Muslim, whatever. It’s not the Mormom church running for the presidency. Trump is really stretching it here. Nevertheless I’m still voting for Trump and I won’t hold my nose when I vote.

  2. At the end of the day Donald, you’ll find that you’ve alienated a good chunk of the people you hope will support you in November. You’re playing with a two edged sword and may find that many of us (who are already pissed off at the powers that be) will not vote for you because you’re just as establishment as they are.

    I’ve always thought of Trump as a buffoon and I see that first impressions in this case are probably spot on.

  3. Trump’s a buffoon? A multi billionaire with successful businesses the world over, a man that has negotiated win/win deals all his life, with a family that anyone would be around of and that has been leading for the Republican nomination almost from the day he announced? Not bad for someone not a politician I might add.

    I don’t think you’ve been paying attention.

    Further, you said, “…you’ll find that you’ve alienated a good chunk of the people you hope will support you in November.”

    Well you can’t mean the likes of Bill Kristol or Erick Errikkson, the CoC cronies or the GOPe-they initially ignored him until they realized he was the real deal. Nor the REgressives. I’m sure he never had the illegal alien vote so that’s out as well as the brain dead college leftists.

    Seems to me I’m reading stories daily about the large, blue collar union support, the chance he’ll win 25% of the black vote, the dems that are aghast their choice is either an ill, serial liar or a communist and how he’s won over the evangelicals.

    So who exactly was for him but now is alienated? Also explain how he’s “just as establishment as they(ahhh the mysterious they) are”

  4. MM, I agree with you partly, but Trump should not play these little one-upmanship games. We have a boy child in the white house now and don’t need another. Personally, I wish Trump would grab both sides of the podium when he speaks. The hand movements drive me nuts.

  5. Trump is going to get crushed in Utah- so what. Or at least he should take that as a ‘so what’. Trump just kicked a political hornet’s nest that leans toward voting for his party and would love nothing more than to see Hillary lose. They may not love Trump but in the end, come November they would have voted for him. There is a reason Utah’s state seal is a beehive. And for all you Stormtumpers who think your dear leader can do no wrong he just pissed on and pissed off one of the most Conservative demographic in the country. There were not enough of them to carry Mitt across the line all by themselves but we will see if their lack of support hurts Trump in the end

    Trump just crossed the line from Reality T.V. ego maniac to rabid dog.

    The only question is now is whether a rabid dog is worse or less worse than a Hillary? When Trump was just the “reality T.V. ego maniac” that was an easy answer in the affirmative. Now that he has revealed himself to be a rabid dog- the answer is a definitive “Hillary?… Rabid dog? … hmmmm … is there a chance Bernie can still win?”.

  6. Oh – I also mean’t to say – Other candidates have said that Trump is not a Christian – crickets over that – but let Trump return fire and he ‘s a “buffoon.” I think the people who think Trump is a buffoon are the buffoons.

  7. Who gives a shit? Mitt ain’t an effin muslim! We’re surrounded by Mormons. Nice families, hard workers, polite and principled. The kids are involved in sports, are good students, and do not cause the schools any grief. Most the fathers have more than one source of income and the kids mow lawns, rake leaves, and shovel snow for spending money. When someone is sick or injured it’s the Mormons who deliver meals to neighbors they’ve never met. Donald, attack the evil democrats.

  8. @MM: You want to play? Fine; let’s go.

    A multi-billionaire with 4 bankruptcies to his credit, a developer who stiffs his subs and then when they’re on the brink,settle for pennies on the dollar; oh yeah, he’s really on the side of the little guy. Win-win deals? Only if he wins first and only if he can do it with other people’s money–go read Art of the Deal if you think I’m exaggerating.

    I have been paying attention, and it’s not to Bill Kristol or Erik Erickson who I despise as much as I despise McConnell or Ryan. I hear Trump acting just like the purple lipped-limp wrist in the WH with his “everyone sucks because they’re the worst people in the world” shtick. Remember that for everyone like you, there are people like me who don’t support your guy, but don’t like him because rather than listen to Kristol, et al., we listen to your guy’s words–and that’s enough to make many of us say “no deal”.

    Union support? Any candidate that “promises” to build is who rank and file will support, even if their unions don’t. But please, if you think that he’ll build the wall, please take the time to remember that it takes $$$$$ to build something that big and last time I looked, Congress enacts the budgets, not the WH–Civics 101–and I don’t think that the Hill is so friendly about that little line-item. But hey, what am I saying? Mexico’s going to pay for that. Righhhht.
    Oh, and by the way, the union bosses who control their union’s PACs are in killary’s back pocket, so she’ll have deep pockets paying for her TV ads non-stop, because Trump is challenging the union bosses’ livelihoods as well–another prong of the establishment who don’t like to lose. But a job’s a job.

    And if you’re a New Yorker, then you know that Trump supported financially those people who represent us in DC and in Albany….you know, Schumer, Gillibrand, Clinton (husband and wife)–and let’s not forget Sheldon Silver, Dean Skelos, and others because it’s good business to buy politicians. Yes indeed, he is a savvy businessman–only members of the establishment have an interest in maintaining the status quo (and unless he’s setting up his savvy fifth bankruptcy, there are many banks who have him by the short hairs and can make him dance to whatever tune they wish or cut off the money to keep him afloat, once they decide he isn’t too big to fail like they did the other times).

    So, if you think that giving the establishment a giant Fuck You is the only thing you live for, go for it, but consider the law of unintended consequences–I’m looking at the possible last chance for this country and at least 4 seats on the Supreme Court to ensure we survive, but with Trump, 4 Souters is probably what we’ll get because he’ll wheel and deal those seats into something he thinks is more important.

  9. @judgeroybean: We’ve got a Mormon living on our PRIVATE road who refuses to pay his fee for the up[keep of the road. He’s a deacon in his church. He ignores letters, etc. So, I’m going to take him to small claims court. Gives me great pleasure to do that.

  10. You said, “A multi-billionaire with 4 bankruptcies to his credit” ******So it’s illegal now to declare bankruptcy? If you really are a lawyer then you understand the reasoning behind the law. If you aren’t, then you’re about as smart as my parrot who hears shit on the radio and repeats it too.

    “a developer who stiffs his subs and then when they’re on the brink,settle for pennies on the dollar; oh yeah, he’s really on the side of the little guy” ******Having been the little guy myself dozens of times doing work for casino owners, I made it very clear that there was a check waiting for me when the work was completed. If my terms weren’t acceptable, I didn’t take the work. Guess what? No one owes me a nickel. It works both ways pal.

    “Win-win deals? Only if he wins first and only if he can do it with other people’s money–go read Art of the Deal if you think I’m exaggerating” ******Do you understand the expression, win/win? I don’t think so. I have read the Art of the Deal, most recently a couple weeks ago so it’s still fresh. You think it’s wrong to put together OPM financing for a deal? Why is that O Great One? Please explain to me why you would rather put up $2-500 Million of your own money when you have a proven track record of success and you have investment capital looking for people that can deliver a good ROI??

    You said, “we listen to your guy’s words–and that’s enough to make many of us say “no deal”. ******What words are those? And you’re part of the #NeverTrump crowd? That’s means you’d cede the SC to REgressives for the next 30+ years. So goodbye 2A. Brilliant pal.

    You said, “Union support? Any candidate that “promises” to build is who rank and file will support, even if their unions don’t.”***** I said “blue collar” IOW the rank & file-try reading for comprehension and not projecting

    More, “But please, if you think that he’ll build the wall, please take the time to remember that it takes $$$$$ to build something that big and last time I looked, Congress enacts the budgets, not the WH–Civics 101–and I don’t think that the Hill is so friendly about that little line-item. But hey, what am I saying? Mexico’s going to pay for that. Righhhht.” *****Actually I guess you haven’t been paying attention as the money for building the wall was approved by Congress in the Build the Wall Act of 2006. Further a small fee on wire transfers to Mexico(it’s almost their largest source of income) would easily raise the estimated ~14 Billion needed

    You said. “Oh, and by the way, the union bosses who control their union’s PACs are in killary’s back pocket, so she’ll have deep pockets paying for her TV ads non-stop, because Trump is challenging the union bosses’ livelihoods as well–another prong of the establishment who don’t like to lose. But a job’s a job” Thank you Captain Obvious.

    Yes he’s donated to both sides. They control the approval mechanisms he needs to get his projects OKed. So? I don’t like it but that’s the way it is.

  11. Govlawyer, so your argument is you’re just smarter than everyone else? That going bankrupt is for losers? And you know Trumps lying about Justices and the wall because you just do? Oh and you dispise all the right people.

    I hate to break it to you, but you sound a lot like Trump.

  12. Gladys. The reason Trump is going to lose Utah is for the very same reason Trump lost Idaho. It has nothing to do with Soros or Mitt (Trump lost Idaho before Mitt came out against Trump) or any other conspiracy you can dream up.

    It has everything to do with the fact that Mormons, on a whole, are as conservative as they come. There are the few Harry Reid types out there but they are an extreme exception to the rule. Orin Hatch, by Mormon standards, is seen to be a liberal tool who has worn out his welcome.

    We are talking about a Demographic, who, for the most part are people who have only have ever had sex with their spouse and then only after they were married. They have little tolerance for adulterers and less tolerance for those who brag about it. They work hard but they keep their success to themselves because they are, for the most part, humble about it. A bragging adultery who is an egoistical maniac just comes off as being rude and distasteful in polite Mormon society. I actually know a Mormon family, whose father helped get Reagan elected in 1980 & 84, who would rather see Hillary as Potus than Trump. When I was told that it blew my mind.

    Like I said, there are not enough Mormons to carry an election all by their lonesome. Trump, with a made dog attack against Mitt for not being a “real” Mormon runs the risk of loosing Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, Montana, (all of those should be a lock for the GOP) and he will put Nevada & Colorado for sure in the Blue. That’s 42 elector votes down the shitter because Trump is a lunatic. That’s like loosing Texas but worse. Trump would have to get N.Y. and New Jersey to make up for that kind of lose and that just will not happen. As a New York/Jersey liberal democrat why vote Trump when you can have Hillary?

    When Hillary is POTUS we will have all the Stormtrumpers to thank. But it won’t be a real “thank you” it will be a contemptuous sarcastic “thank you”.

    Trump and his Stormtumpers should save all their off the cuff, I lashed out before I could think jabs for the Democrats so the rest of us #NeverHillary can hold our nose long enough to see to it that Hillary is defeated. Is that too much to ask?

  13. @MM, yes, I am an attorney and I do indeed know what bankruptcy is for…..and like any system, it can be gamed, just like it has been by savvy businessmen like Trump or their publicly held corporations like airlines. Instead of mocking your parrot, perhaps you should listen to what he’s repeating from the radio program you weren’t listening to.

    I applaud you for making sure you get paid and didn’t get stiffed by Trump when he built the Taj and other properties….but in saying that you’ve just admitted that he did indeed stiff many of his subs. I guess that, like his buying politicians, is something you accept as good, savvy business practices– as distasteful as you say you find it. I’m sure he learned that at Wharton(that is part of the problem I would have thought you would be fighting like many of us have been over the years).

    Perhaps you and I differ on a lot more than politics.

    I know well what “win-win” means, but question whether you do.Let me rephrase that…..perhaps my definition of what constitutes winning differs from what yours is. And when I look at subs going nearly bankrupt, I wonder if that is what you’d term “winning” (because they got paid, right, so they won)? I believe in living up to my end of the bargain and don’t mind paying for what I bargained for if I get what I was promised. I have also made deals where I have seen that the honorable thing to do is live up to it even when it hasn’t been the “win” I expected–but my father taught me that if I made a deal, I should live up to it, and learn not to make the same mistake twice. I’m sure that the Donald has made that his philosophy for all his financial promises (except for those made with subcontractors).

    If you think that $14 billion will pay for the wall, then either you’re not in construction, or you’ve limited experience in government construction contracts. If you do have a lot of that experience, please send me some of what your smoking, Captain Obvious. And if you think that the Hill will rush into session to pass a surcharge for wire transfers to Mexico, I would bet that even O’Connell would have a laugh over that one….he’s still trying to cement the Latino vote for his version of the big tent.

    The fact is, you and I if we hadn’t met under these sets of circumstances would probably enjoy a beer or two and laugh at how much agree with one another. But this election has not only pitted those of us who don’t like and are against the establishment, it has exposed a nerve with those who disagree over who we think is best suited to lead us forward because of the screwing over we got from the establishment. I believe in Reagan’s Eleventh Commandment because at the end of this process, the scorched earth we’ve witnessed this primary season has put a wall up between us—and now we see Kristol and Erickson are leading the charge to exploit that lack of unity.
    All the candidates have been guilty of scorching the earth.

    We’ve lost the ability to disagree without being disagreeable to one another, or maybe we aren’t as unified as we thought we were prior to this primary season.

  14. @Aggie–no, going bankrupt doesn’t make you a loser, but gaming that system like a certain candidate has isn’t why the system was set up in the first place. If you know anything about bankruptcies, you also know that while Fortune 500 businesses can absorb the hit of a client going bankrupt, the small businesses who are creditors of that savvy businessman may be driven into the bankruptcy court as well. But then again, what do I know?
    Lying about the wall? Not today, but when it would come to actually doing it, my bet is it’ll be negotiable, just like his policy on the H-1 B visa issue wasn’t, was, and then wasn’t negotiable (let me stick my finger in the wind and see who’s asking the question for my position at that moment”).
    I’m sure that Kristol, Erickson, O’Connell, and Ryan all sleep better at night knowing you like them.

  15. @Grool – I did not make it up, but possibly you have a selective short-term memory. It was only a few weeks ago when the Trump is not a Christian crap was flying around the internet.

    Or maybe you are one of those people who only read something if you agree with it.

  16. govlawyer :


  17. Govlawyer, there you go again 😉 I thought you were a fan of Reagan’s 11th commandment?

    Point being this election has turned into hating on Trump over showing support for another candidate, as you are doing. Thats weak, plain and simple.

    This thread…Trump made a joke. Targeting Romney, a self described leader of the trash Trump team, a jjoke of a man whose goal is to destroy Trump, not support another candidate. Its self centered and self serving. You didnt get the joke, and instead jumped at the bait to reinforce your already established opinion he is a buffoon, beneath you. In the process you only solidified your lack of understanding his game plan, his appeal and his voters intellect. It is difficult to beleive those of you who are so invested in claiming to be morally superior to Trump will able to swallow your pride and vote for him if he wins the nomimation. I will be able to because I haven’t gone out on a limb and claimed that he or Cruz are beneath me. They are both flawed, but both a better choice than Hillary.

  18. I don’t understand how OOH you’re “gaming the system” by using bankruptcy but if you do use it, then the mechanism for continuing to run the business so that not everyone loses their job is some how wrong.

    Also while no one owes me a nickel because all my life I have followed certain rules like nothing leaves my shop or I don’t walk away from a job until I’m paid, I also don’t owe anyone anything either. But I was small time, my biggest year was a million and change in gross, fairly manageable for me.

    Loses in the multimillions almost certainly means that there are going to be unpaid bills. Is the CEO supposed to be personally responsible? The CFO? The banks take a hit. How about the venture capitalists? If putting a business into Chapter 11 or 13 allows it to continue to function, at least some people are working. And there’s always the possibility thing can turn around. That’s not gaming the system, you say that like he’s doing something nefarious.

    The cost of Trump’s Wall I said ~$14 Billion, he says ~$17 Billion. Lets’ double it mmmmK? Let’s say it’s $35 Billion. You realize that’s such a small number in a $4 Trillion budget that it’s little more then a rounding error, right? Almost $50 Billion/year is sent to the 3 countries with the largest number of illegals, Mexico, China and India. Put a 20% tax on wire transfers and in the time it’ll take to build the wall, about 3 years, you’ll have collected almost the whole $35 Billion.

    I live in a mostly latino, small w Texas town and my neighbors, probably every one of them has relatives in Mexico, do not want any more illegal immigration. You want to “cement” the latino vote? Quit pandering to these people, they don’t like it anymore then you or I would.

    There are times when Trump makes me cringe but GD it, I’m sick to death of the endless parade of snake oil salesmen telling me it’s raining when you know what. I ask anyone that can’t support Trump what’s your solution?

    And that’s how your original post came off. I don’t spend any time writing why I think Cruz isn’t the best choice. I’ll still vote for him(after 5 or 6 fingers of my favorite brown liquor) because Hillary is madness.

    I had these same arguments with people on my side about Romney, McCain, W and Dole(Romney took 7 fingers and a crutch) Are we better off having had a second term for Obama/Jarret?

  19. The problem with Trumps wall is not the cost.
    The problem is that it is a 1000 mile wall on a 2000 mile border.
    Well, in truth, that is not the problem. The problem is that a substantial number of Trump supporters are under the mistaken impression that he plans to seal the border with a wall even though he has been clear that not only does he NOT plan to do that, but that it would be near impossible to do.
    When you cut to the chase, this ‘wall’ project is just a $10B public works pork project that he is giving the unions.
    Tossing money to unions for votes is what politicians do, so Trump doing it just stands to reason.

  20. All we have to do is stop paying “tribute” money to countries that want to destroy us, and BANG – there’s the money for our wall right there.

    And Trump has made the comment about stopping giving billions of dollars to countries that are trying to destroy us – so he is aware of that.

  21. @JohnS – show me where Trump says building a wall and stopping illegal immigration is impossible and doesn’t really plan to do it – cuz I think you’re lying, or grossly misinformed.

    Right there.
    1000 miles. The other 1000 miles is the river, and we all know Mexicans can’t swim. If they could people down there would be calling them ‘wetbacks’.
    I gave you that as you apparently don’t listen to what Trump says.
    If you look into it, you will find even more clarification on his border wall. If I get some spare time later, I will look them up if you can’t.

  23. Brad, in one breath you tell me that if I go into business, I’ll fail because I want my word to be worth something, and in the next you’re ballistic because I say I’m happy enough where I am at the present and that makes me selfish and uncaring. Would you know me if you (or your split personality) passed me on the street? Thankfully, you don’t.

    MM: I’m glad you’re successful and as the son of an immigrant, I too want people to follow the rules and obey the laws. I’m glad that you have problems with some of the things that Trump has said–so do– I and I also have trouble with some of the things that Cruz has said– and don’t believe for a minute that they were said in jest, but I do think that some of them were blown out of proportion by the media–a problem that your candidate suffers from as well. The cost of the wall is irrelevant because in all sincerity, no one will build it, not Cruz or Trump. I believe that we need to stringently follow the deportation laws and unlike your candidate, do not believe in automatic granting of re-application for entry for the “good ones”. We have laws and unless obeying a law is going to cause you or a family member to die, you follow them,including immigration. Again, I suspect we would agree on a lot more than we’d disagree on, but that’s for another day.

    Aggie, I’m not running for office, yet you say I’m a buffoon. Fine, you took the first shot and I fired back; go put a Trump steak on that shiner it appears you’ve got.

  24. govlawer, I never called you a baffoon. It was you calling names. How can you lose track of a discussion so completely and still claim the upper hand?

    JohnS, I have no idea what you think your clip shows to boost your fantasies about the wall but dont even pretend Trump made that bad joke, that was all yours.

  25. You said, “The cost of the wall is irrelevant because in all sincerity, no one will build it, not Cruz or Trump.” In all sincerity…???

    Trump has staked out this one central point for the heart of his campaign. I believe him. I don’t know any possible way he could weasel out of it without losing a boatload of political capital.

    I haven’t seen but a few Trump supporters saying no way to Cruz but I sure have seen a lot of the reverse. Levin’s own magazine, Conservative Review, has just published a list of conservatives they plan on black balling after the election. How’s that fucking grab you?

  26. Gladys.

    This is not about the internet generally.

    YOU claimed POTUS CANDIDATES questioned Trump’s faith.

    Who were these POTUS candidates who did this?

    Either provide the names, or admit you made it up.

  27. Goldenfoxx

    Your looser neighbor who is a “Deacon”… Deacon’s may mean something in other faiths but in the Mormon world a “Deacon” is a 12-14 year old boy who took his first step into making a lifetime commitment.

    That means if you ever meet an adult “Mormon” male who is only a “deacon” you are in the presence of someone who washed out by the age of 14. Your neighbor may be a loser but I’d bet money he is not active in the LDS church. Oh, and make sure it is the LDS faith and not some breakoff outfit.

    I only point this out so when you are ragging on someone for their faith to help you not sound ignorant of the faith you are ragging on. No need to thank me.

  28. I came to this blog looking for credible, informative political discourse. Alas, I found at tight clique that excels instead in the flinging of poo. Thanks for tolerating my handful of comments (the ones that got posted anyway), be well and safe.


    And fling on………

  29. Govlawyer,

    “. Would you know me if you (or your split personality) passed me on the street? Thankfully, you don’t.”

    You have no reason to fear me. Despite my perceived rep here I am non confrontational. I would buy you a cup of coffee so we could continue the discussion face to face. Logically.

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