Trump Endorses Luther Strange in Alabama Senate Race – IOTW Report

Trump Endorses Luther Strange in Alabama Senate Race

Before Trump’s endorsement, the race had three frontrunners vying for what was likely to be two spots in a runoff election scheduled for next month. In a majority of the polling to date, former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore has a lead over Strange and Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) in a crowded field of nine candidates.

I’m hearing both positive and negatives about Mo Brooks and that also goes for Luther Strange.
Are they both RINO? Is Roy Moore a better choice?
Is Luther Strange the only one who Trump thinks can win?
What are your thoughts?

24 Comments on Trump Endorses Luther Strange in Alabama Senate Race

  1. That’s what I’m hearing. A McConnell stooge. Wonder what the deal is? If he wins, would he play ball with Trump or what?

    BTW, some of Breitbart authors and several other Trump-friendly blogs don’t seem to be a fan of Mo Brooks, either. Anyone know why?

  2. Heard about this early today. It’s very discouraging. Who the fook put that idea in Trumps head? The guy is a real scumbag and McConnell yes man. Thought Trump was way past this kind of bullshit.

  3. And Mo Brooks says he’s pro-Trump, always has been, blahblahblah.
    So if Strange is ahead or seems to be ahead, Trump is going to endorse him, just to keep the R’s in office. I’m sure Trump hated to endorse McCain, too, right? Trump is fucked one way or the other, isn’t he?

  4. I live in Alabama so know something about this. Roy Moore is a fraud and if he wins the primary–you can be assured that the Democrat will win. Luther Strange was appointed by our Governor who he was investigating (he was AG). He claims he was always for Trump but we have proof he was campaigning for Jeb. He won’t go on any local TV or radio. Mo did not support Trump in the primaries but he wrote a check for $2500 to his campaign. Plus, he will go on any radio or TV and answer the tough questions. He also was at the ballpark when the Bernie supporter shot Scalise and was pretty heroic. He NEVER mentions that. So, I will be voting for Mo next Tuesday. I am pretty much a never Moore person. My opinion. Trump heard what Mo said in the primaries and he thinks Luther is on his side. Whoever we send will vote with Trump–we are very Red and voted largely for Trump over the Beast.

  5. Maybe Trump likes his campaign song:
    When you’re strange faces come out of the rain,
    When you’re strange no one remembers your name
    When you’re strange, When you’re strange,
    When you’re strange.

  6. I believe trump was misinformed about strange OR trump told the establishment , watch this, trump says ok, I will show you that the people will decide who wins in Alabama, trump endorses strange BUT the people vote in Moore, the bet is in, if moore wins, not mo, the swamp will be drained

  7. Thanks to Corky. We’re in an era where so many are frauds. It’s very difficult to tell who is who. McConnell spent months trying to pass a bill nobody wanted. Then 7 say they don’t really want repeal at all, and 3 want a socialist bill that pleases the scumocrats. You can be sure McConnell helped to set up the final tally. The number of traitors is larger than anyone realizes.

  8. Moore is the judge who supported the 10 Commandments plaque and refused to obey the same sex marriage clause because he said it is unconstitutional. They don’t come any more Conservative than Moore. The Left hates him. If Strange was McConnell’s pick why on earth would Trump support him? Is this Fake News again?

  9. Mo’s been a local politician in my district for 20 years. Know him well. He’s on the local Dale Jackson radio show at least once a week. He doesn’t waffle and answers the tough questions. Strange won’t even go on the show. Dale posts his podcasts and interviews if you want to listen…for free. Same radio station where Hannity got his start. Mark Levin has endorsed.

    Mo’s the real deal. I plan on voting for him in about 12 hours.

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