Trump Endorses Ryan – IOTW Report

Trump Endorses Ryan


“He’s a good man and he’s a good guy. We may disagree on a couple of things. But mostly we agree and we’re going to get it done.”

“I hold in the highest of esteem, Senator John Mccain for his service to our country, in uniform and in public office. And I fully endorse and support his reelection.”

He also endorsed Kelly Ayotte.

Trump’s vocal inflections seemed very, very reluctant and a bit disingenuous.

53 Comments on Trump Endorses Ryan

  1. Best move he could make given the circumstances. His endorsement of the louts won’t help them one iota, and won’t hurt President Trump. Those who trust President Trump know what his strategy is.

  2. “Trump’s vocal inflections seemed very, very reluctant and a bit disingenuous.”

    Ooooh…VERY VERY reluctant, but just an itty bit whatever. F**k you CNN and the Podesta you rode in on.

  3. I understand the political necessity for that but I can’t help but be disappointed. He endorsed mccain also. He has gone this far without kissing anyone’s ass, it pisses me off to see this. The more I think about it the pissed off I am.

  4. In my inbox 30 minutes ago: “…Party unity will help make America great again. United, we will stop crooked Hillary and the Obama 3rd term.”

    Heh. Even in the text it sounded like he was rolling his eyes when he wrote it. 😀

  5. And the New Times reported today that Ryan has said he would NOT bring the TPP trade deal to the floor for a vote! Don’t worry boys and girls, this is just political poker at it’s best, and nobody wins like Trump.

  6. “I’m just curious to see what the payoff is later on.”

    Corona the immediate payoff is he’s bear-hugged all these preening posers and they will look like the insincere concern trolls they are, if they keep trying to stick the knife in.

  7. I’m with Joe6pak 100%.

    I don’t believe it’s a strategy. I think Trump is starting to sabotage himself deliberately; not because he can’t win, but because he’s running strong-arm blocker for Hillary so she can win.

    The closer we get to November, the more ridiculous shit is gonna come out of his mouth.

    Whether Trump wins or Hillary wins – Trump wins. He became a success with the current shitstains running things. What does he care if he loses.

    Very disappointed tonight – mostly with myself.

  8. Dumb move. Why not stall until next Wednesday and see how Ryan’s election works out. And fuck Mcstain. Kelly, I’d endorse here and try and recruit her. This is a bad sign. DJT, listen to your kids. Fuck everyone else.

  9. Sorry guys.
    If Trump wants the Republican party to unite and back him, he has to back the Republican party.
    Ryan is in a tight race, he is only leading by around 66 points. If Trump were in that position, he wouldn’t need anybody.
    If you all hold Trump to a standard that requires that Republicans don’t vote for him, well, your gal will win.
    Luckily it appears he may be listening to better advice.


    Holy Shiite, people! Does anyone really think this is helping Ryan? I suspect not. The media is in an all-out assault against Trump. Have a little confidence in your initial assessment of the guy. I believe he sincerely loves this country, and wants to do some good.

  11. JohnS, you said what I was trying to say, only better.

    Enjoy that ‘like’ that I just sent your way.

    Boehnerdict has left the building – for now…

  12. Paul Nehlen, Ryan’s Republican primary challenger, said in a statement that Trump’s endorsement is “appropriate and is a display of true leadership.”

    The businessman — whose campaign drew favorable attention from Trump last week — has blasted Ryan’s criticisms of Trump, calling Ryan’s actions a “betrayal” to the party.

    Ryan and Nehlen will face off on Aug. 9.


    This is Chinatown.
    I don’t throw everything Trump has done and just hand it all off to Hillary because of back room deal endorsements that even Nehlen understands.

    And I certainly do not think this is an indication that Trump is “throwing the election.”

    If this is cause for you to be “outraged!” enough to throw Trump under the bus, who is throwing the election, you or Trump?

  13. I heard Trump’s endorsement on the radio and it sounded weird and uncomfortable- like the words tasted like milk gone bad.

    The man is 70. Maybe he needs a week off to chill at one of his golf courses. Let Hillary be the only one on the campaign trail and give her a chance to screw up or to have a seizure.

  14. To me, this indicates that Trump wants to win, and I am glad to see it. It would have been nice if he could have faked a tad bit of sincerity in his statement, but he is finally doing what it takes to defeat Hiliary.

    Remember, Trump needs both houses of Congress to get his agenda passed. Smart move in my humble opinion.

  15. Sorry guys, I mis-spoke…it was the Washington Post. Even better! Ryan had to get Trumps endorsement or lose his primary. And Trump got the TPP shelved until the inauguration, which means forever! Unless that she-bat in a pant suite steals the election???

  16. Loco, please remind Menderman he’s not President yet. After he becomes President he will feel like he’s on vacation after a year of 2 rallies per day. What a stupid thing to say.

  17. Ryan is up a gajillion points over Nehlen.
    Trump has pulled a purely Godfather moment.

    Trump symbolically hands Ryan what Ryan already had, but now Ryan, a beta bitch, is Trump’s bitch.

    We all know that Trump really didn’t endorse Ryan. Did you listen to it?? I did.
    It was like Paul Sorvino assuring the restaurant owner that he was going to help him out in Goodfellas.

  18. “Ryan is up a gajillion points over Nehlen.”

    Grab your popcorn. That Wisconsin election is a microcosm of the Presidential. Gawd I hope Ryan gets his ass kicked.

  19. Trump looks like the bigger man than Ryan and McStain by endorsing them. He already is.

    If they both win (GOD FORBID!) and then start up their RINO BULL💩 again against Trump again The Donald can point to both of them and say, “I endorsed you and this is the thanks I get? GET THE FU€K OUTTA HERE!” Donald has nothing to lose with his endorsements. They walked right right into it.


  20. Really ??? , ryan, mccain and ayotte? Big Tent?
    These are just a few who have puled up the stakes of the big tent theory, ridding the party of conservatives and bringing in ultra liberal progressives..
    They support anyone or any legislation if they aren’t conservative.
    F-ing RINOs to the core.
    Just like Palin endorsing mccain 6 years ago. Stupidity.
    Speaking of principled action, then endorsing those with NO principles.
    Bullshit !
    Betrayal is rampant in DC.

  21. How quickly we forget. It’s barely a month since the convention where Ted Cruz was excoriated, because he would not endorse Trump. I know he had promised to do so, and the Trump/Ryan doesn’t involve a promise.

    However, the damn Republican Party has to start circling the wagons, because the wild liberals don’t fight fair and ‘conquer and divide’ is one of their favorite tactics. This isn’t high school, this is life or death for our country.

    There are only two bandwagons available; Crooked Hillary or Sometimes-off-key Trump. Time to hop on Trump’s or be left in the dust, to be smashed by the liberal machinations of destruction.

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