Trump floats nickname for Kasich – IOTW Report

Trump floats nickname for Kasich

“1 for 38”


78 Comments on Trump floats nickname for Kasich

  1. Clever insults trump actual achievements and policy, didn’t you know that JohnS?

    Trump, according to his supporters, does not need Lyin’ Ted supporters to win in November. He don’t need the 1 in 38 voters, he don’t need lil’ Marco peeps, he don’t need psychopath Ben Carson supporters, he don’t need Ugly face Carly’s stupid women supporters!

    He is gonna win because he is gonna build a wall and totally destroy the GOP!

  2. The return to grade school was entertaining for a while Menderman, but it is actually becoming a bit tiresome.
    Luckily I get to play with the misinformed nitwits that follow him.
    Hillary may be the multititted empress with her followers sucking at the public trough, Trump is the multianused emperor with room for every nose to get brown.

  3. Menderman, Hold on there cowboy. I absolutely agree with what you said, but not what you mean. Do you believe delegates should represent the will of their voters? Yes or know?

  4. Ride the train! You have absolutely no control of where you are going, you can’t get off unless the engineer lets you and you can’t control the speed! No left turns, no right turns, just follow the tracks you can’t even see! So much fun!!!!!!


  5. O.K. well no matter how you feel about Trump, that didn’t happen in Colorado. And granted those dumb shits should have caught a clue when the Elites changed the rules, but the problem on my end is it effects my ability to vote for the guy I think can straighten this mess out. Not cool.

  6. If it boarders socialism yes. You are not talking States rights here. This is the GOP. Lets put it this way. Even though you will vote against my candidate I believe your vote should be counted. You don’t feel the same way about my vote?

  7. Actually, Brad, I do. The winner take all states suck giraffe ass when there are a dozen candidates in play. My state, NC, apportioned delegates according to the vote. Trump and Cruz were 2 points different, and the delegates reflect that, and that is how it should be…….

    on the first round……

  8. Trump WINS delegates by merit (VOTERS). Cruz obtains delegates by bribes and deals.
    Which is the MORE HONORABLE way of receiving delegates?

    Kasich and Cruz are now running as SPOILERS to DISENFRANCHISE VOTERS!

  9. “Cruz obtains delegates by bribes and deals.”


    So, you really think Cruz has more cash and influence than Trump to bribe delegates!!


    You are not worthy a response if you believe that is true.

  10. Okay, it is well past midnight my time, so I am out, but I shall leave my parting shot.

    No GOP candidate can win, that we have made certain of. Can we at least agree to show up for the down ballot races? Or do you Trumpeteers wanna totally destroy the GOP and hand Hiliary a supermajority?

  11. Trump could easily buy delegates but Trump has integrity. Trump has won all his delegates fair and square.
    Lyin Ted Cruz uses the crooked political system to obtain delegates like a sleazy lawyer.
    Should Trump wine and dine delegates, offer golf club memberships, rides on Trump Force One? Is that OK?

  12. What’s Cruz done for you in the last decade? Unless you lay awake at night listening to him read the Cat In The Hat. Better question. Compare Trumps accomplishments to Cruz’s. Better comparison, who’s burdened the biggest payroll? I can’t believe anybody wants to even compare these two.

  13. What has Trump done for you in the last decade?
    Built NY up. Created more jobs than the Republicans have the past decade. Entertained millions on a very educational television show. And now has single-handedly shone a light on the corrupt cock roaches of the Republican party.

    What has the GOP done the past decade?

  14. Trump has done MORE as a candidate than Cruz has as a Senator.
    Trump has brought this country’s BIGGEST PROBLEM to the forefront of the election – ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.
    Illegal immigration has drained our resources, increased violent crimes, dragged our economy, increased our drug problem.
    Trump is forcing this country to make a choice – build a wall, enforce laws or continue the failed policies of Obama/Hillary.

  15. I don’t want the GOP do a single thing for me. I can do for myself. I want the GOP to get out of my way. The party you support cancelled my health insurance, raised my taxes. quadrupled my capitol gains and took away my daughters inheritance. Being #NeverGOP is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. Being #NeverGOP makes as much sense as being #NeverOil. Sounds great, but one should find a replacement first. You have nothing of substance, just bumper sticker slogans.

  16. Trump, reality TV.

    Trump, supported dems for 40 years.

    Trump wall! Big Freaking Wall! Big doors too!

    You really wanna hang you hat on touchback amnesty?

    and really…”Educational TeeVee?

    I give up……

  17. FACT: Trump is MORE CONSERVATIVE, MORE TO THE RIGHT than unwanTED/Kashit on the #1 problem issue in America – IMMIGRATION!
    What has the GOP done the past decade that deserves saving?

  18. “The party you support cancelled my health insurance, raised my taxes. quadrupled my capitol gains and took away my daughters inheritance.”

    The party YOU DEFEND did that sir. The GOP FUNDED ObamaCare when they were ELECTED to use the power of the purse to DESTROY ObamaCare.
    The GOP raised your taxes. The GOP quadrupled your Capitol gains tax and took away your daughters’ inheritance.

  19. I’m looking forward to seeing the anti-Trump supporters realize they were wrong just because they don’t like someone’s personality but the guy gets the job done.

  20. Trump is essentially a third party rip off of 34% of GOP, some dems, independents, and Rand Paul libertarians. But a third party “fake” conservative republican will not beat Hillary.

  21. Menderman is backing the LOSING GOP establishment candidate Cruzich.

    Trump has the MOST VOTES. Trump has the MOST DELEGATES. Trump is the presumptive nominee.
    Make America Great Again!

  22. Cruz and Kasich are being SELFISH. For the good of the party and the country they should drop out now instead of destroying what’s left just for their selfish ambitions.

  23. Difference between Trump and Cruz. Trump INSPIRES. Cruz is selfish. Cruz does not interact with the voters.
    Trump offers jobs, let’s them speak at rallies, hugs and kisses voters.
    What does Cruz do? Preaches and that is it. No connection to the voters.
    Trump PERSONALLY HELPS people! Trump SHARES the podium UNPLANNED – a very risky move for a politician to do.

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