Trump Has Raised A Ton of Money In California – IOTW Report

Trump Has Raised A Ton of Money In California

Gateway Pundit: Trump Has Raised More Money in Liberal-as-Heck California Than Most Democratic Candidates.

Californians have donated $3.2 million to President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign since the start of 2019 — which is more than all of his Democratic challengers, except two.

The state is widely considered to be heavily liberal, but according to campaign finance data compiled by the organisation CalMatter, at least 92.8 percent of his pile of donations were made by small donors contributing less than $100. more here

8 Comments on Trump Has Raised A Ton of Money In California

  1. I’ll say it again…as I’ve said a hundred times

    California is still 60% Conservative…Voter Fraud rules the Day.

    A Month from now…A renowned Pundit will reiterate My claims

    and a Million People will suddenly agree…

  2. The problem is no matter how much money is raised in California, if the republican party is in charge of it, they’ll funnel it to the likes of romney.

    Support individual candidates. We’ve learned the GOP is a rathole of failure and corruption and backstabbing. The likes of Trump are not.

  3. Liberal-as-Heck California

    Yeah, until you omit the votes from the grave yard, votes from the trunk of a ’75 AMC Pacer, the double and triple votes from illegals.
    California has scammed every non-liberal since…….Well, since Christ walked the face of the earth.

    That’s right….they started early.

  4. Voters are conservative. What is far left/liberal is the “leadership” of the GOP. which is why since Pete the R have lost every statewid election other than Arny – who was conservative for 1.5 years. THen became an ObamaBush man


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