Trump: Impeach McConnell on Debt-Ceiling Collusion – IOTW Report

Trump: Impeach McConnell on Debt-Ceiling Collusion


Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday accused Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of working with Democrats to blow up the debt ceiling because “they have something on him” and called for McConnell to be impeached.

“It’s crazy what’s happening with this debt ceiling. Mitch McConnell keeps allowing it to happen. They ought to impeach Mitch McConnell if he allows that,” Trump said during a radio interview on the conservative John Fredericks radio show. “Frankly, something has to be — they have something on him. How he approves this thing is incredible.” 

Senators cannot be impeached but can be expelled from the chamber with a two-thirds vote.

Trump and McConnell have been feuding since the 2020 presidential election when McConnell blasted Trump for a “disgraceful dereliction of duty” on Jan. 6, 2021, as rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol.

Since then, Trump has made McConnell, to whom he refers as the “old crow,” a frequent target of his complaints and has repeatedly called for him to be ousted. more

11 Comments on Trump: Impeach McConnell on Debt-Ceiling Collusion

  1. Like I just said in the previous thread.

    Two sides, same coin.

    McConnell = Schumer.

    Both serve the same master.

    Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.

    Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

    The Founders knew this would happen.

    It’s why they gave us the Second Amendment.

  2. It’s the same scenario that’s being played out when Boehner, he was Speaker of the House from 2011 to 2015. He was the worst and could have been ousted. I wrote my Rep and told him to vote Boehner out. He voted to keep the *ucker in. I wrote the Rep back after the vote and told him to go F himself that I would never vote for him again – and I haven’t – I don’t care. He wrote back and said “It isn’t that easy.” Yea okay, it’s easy for me to vote against you – I don’t care.

  3. Globalist uniparty cabal minions.

    Our government and both parties are totally corrupt. McCain, Romney, both Bushes. Globalist all.

    It was supposed to be musical chairs with an occasional republican to prevent mutiny of the masses.

    PDJT tore the curtain down and exposed the machine and the cabal.

    The fact is most Americans still think we IOTW critters are just old conspiracy nuts but Bitch McConAll proves our point.

    Finally things have gotten so heinous the average American has removed their heads from their collective asses and are looking around saying WTF?

    Things are so horrible the population, including a wave of minorities are beginning to sense that the elites are deliberately ruining the country on behalf of the 1% of the 1%.

    They are beginning to understand that there is a system meant only for the more equal pigs, and not for the rest of us.

    PDJT, the MegaMagas, conservative media and the Interwebs (as censored as they are) are removing the scales from millions eyes.

    It’s about damn time people recognize our “representatives” represent only the elite.

    It’s a huge problem on the state and local level in MO. The establishment republican Missouri Mafia has had an iron grip on politics for decades.

    That grip is slipping and the narrative of Demonrat lite is also.

    We are winning patriots. The domino has tipped. The halls of power are panicking as the bad Orange Man strides the earth.

    I sort of hope he gets behind DeSantis but I’m good either way. He would be untouchable as VP and as the Head of the Senate he could release the Dogs of War on the uniparty.

    He was robbed and we got raped by the robber but starting Tuesday the worm turns.

  4. Nothing will change unless the “swamp rat rinos” are removed from power positions. MCConnell is the worst of the worst. This will be an ongoing transition requiring many elections but step One is to gain our House and Senate back. Then start cleaning house.

  5. To me Mitch’s worst crime (i mean crime as in malfeasance) the last 20 ‘months was fighting, and i mean fighting hard!, to make Garland AG!
    I thought Holder was bad (and he was/is!) but Garland makes him look good!

    Garland is reason #1 in my book for Mitch to go to jail!


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