Trump is a great comedian – that’s why SJWs hate him, they are humorless – IOTW Report

Trump is a great comedian – that’s why SJWs hate him, they are humorless

18 Comments on Trump is a great comedian – that’s why SJWs hate him, they are humorless

  1. Steve Brown,

    I would speculate that it was that exact phrase that got him elected, or at least turned people on to him during the debates.

    For me, it was the deciding factor as to why I voted for him. I figured if he was brash enough to utter a phrase that would both simultaneously destroy both Megyn Kelly AND Rosie the dyke O’Donnell then he might actually bring some much needed respect back the White House after the Kenyan faggot did so much to destroy it.

    We were right. We were tired of the politically correct bullshit and Trump was the answer we needed to start the eradication process of such.

    Love him or hate him, he’s a smart and effective person. AND THE CABAL FEARS THE SHIT OUT OF HIM AND THE PEOPLE WHO GOT HIM ELECTED.

    “When the government fears the people there is liberty”.

    Kinda puts a chill down your spine if you’re one of the deep state asshole’s doesn’t it?

  2. Another good one. When asked by Hegseth if Warren really thinks she could win against him in 2020, Trump reportedly responded, “Well, that I don’t know. You’d have to ask her psychiatrist.”

  3. Speaking of a sense of humor, is Melania becoming a Twitter troll? She posted a tweet with what looks like a purposeful misspelling. I hope she is, that would be funny as heck.

  4. My daughter, who just returned from 5 years in Germany, asked:”Who is that, he’s funny?”.
    Not sure how she took the news she was laughing at the wit of President Trump.
    We worked in the yard hard, she’s tired.
    Gotta use the help when it’s free.

  5. I’ve told my wife several times that President Trump might funnier than any supposedly real comedian in the business.
    I watch his speeches and crack up all the time.
    He has just enough touch of being a smartass that he is hilarious.
    But his jokes are based on truths – not strawman attacks. And that is a HUGE difference he has with the fake comedians in the industry.


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