Trump is “Driving Liberals Insane” – IOTW Report

Trump is “Driving Liberals Insane”

DMF: Wednesday on CNN’s “The Messy Truth,” host Van Jones said President Donald Trump was “driving liberals insane,” to the point he does not want “y’all to be in charge either.

Breitbart – Jones said, “One thing I want to share, progressives tend to focus, when we critique him, on politeness and proper protocols okay? There’s a proper way to deal with reporters or intelligence agencies or judges. And when Trump breaks the rules, we start fanning ourselves and fainting and freaking out and handing out all of these protocol violations. And for his supporters, his appeal has nothing to do with protocol. It has everything to do, though, with pride and prosperity.”


14 Comments on Trump is “Driving Liberals Insane”

  1. I recently went to a new doctor… she asked me if there was any family history of mental illness. I told her I had an uncle who was a communist.

    We laughed and laughed! I like her.

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