Trump is Not a Fascist – Change My Mind – IOTW Report

Trump is Not a Fascist – Change My Mind

12 Comments on Trump is Not a Fascist – Change My Mind

  1. Fascist.
    Italian Socialist.
    Mussolini (for example).

    A guy who carries a fasces – a lictor (not to be confused with HRC – a licker).

    A term of endearment in the socialist world until the initiation of Operation Barbarossa – upon which it became an epithet – roughly meaning “enemy of communistic Bolshevik-inspired Soviet socialism.”

    Now an amorphous term which suggests some vague sense of malevolence to the utterly ignorant and confused masses of America and much of the less-civilized nations of Europe and Asia.

    It doesn’t describe President Trump’s governing philosophy in any sense of the word. It has become another meaningless word like “nigger,” “awesome,” and “literally” which elicit some emotion but neither thought nor substance.

    Hope this helps.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Okay, so we have a bunch of snowflakes, but there had to be a cloud from where they came from. And with each cloud of snowflakes the storm gets worse until we’re snowed in with no way of escape.

  3. So typical of my family in the Northeast. Local TV stations are farm teams for the networks so they push exactly the same stories in exactly the same way. Locals accept what they hear as true because that’s ALL they hear.

    When asked to back up their erroneous statements with facts they can’t and get angry – but not enough to question the lies they’ve been fed.

  4. The Left, like the first women Crowder interviews, is delusional. Comparing Trump with Obama is taboo, unless they want to do it to make their points. When you point out that it is the Left that is using the government as a weapon to effectively control people’s lives, they go nuts, because it mainly flies in the faces of their delusion that they are good and noble people, full of virtue and can do no wrong. It’s like CNN not being able to admit that they just got nailed lying about the Trump Tower meeting (in a big way). There is no mental buffer that says, “Hey, maybe I’m wrong on this one.”

  5. I don’t get the blond dude. He sounds so stupid that I almost, but not quite, felt sorry for him. Crowder is way more patient than I could ever be. He would make a great dad.

  6. To the new left, “fascist” = advocating for the rule of law, supporting the Constitution, feeling love and pride in America “warts and all”, and believing that America has been largely a force for good in the world.

  7. Sometimes, usually when President Trump is attending some sort of function, he stands up straight with good posture and his chin juts out. Just like Mussolini, the original fascist. Of course, what Trump believes and what Trump says are radically different than Mussolini’s political stances, but I’m trying to convince Crowder here with albeit weak arguments.

  8. I don’t know if the person reporting this story purposely left out major parts of the Merriam-Webster definition, or if Crowder did, but the definition given in this story suffers from the sin of omission — bigly.

    The biggest omission of all stems from the absence of any mention of the origins of fascism, which are too important to be ignored. The Merriam-Webster definition (even the full one) contributes to misunderstanding the word.

    “Definition of fascism
    1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
    2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

    early instances of army fascism and brutality —J. W. Aldridge”

    The first woman who sat down with Crowder didn’t know what “exalts the nation” means in the context of fascism. She obviously thinks it means a celebration of some kind. lol!

    Not sure what Crowder’s point with this was. I find it very irritating to listen to people with strong opinions who are utterly wrong. I’d have said “Trump is not a fascist and if you think so you are an idiot. Get your “I’m an idiot” sticker here.

  9. Crowder has the patience of a saint. I couldn’t make it past 7 minutes. The excuses and the certainty of that woman even though she is continually proved wrong is maddening.


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