Trump kicks off 2024 rallies in Texas, vows to punish China and foster ‘quantum’ economic growth – IOTW Report

Trump kicks off 2024 rallies in Texas, vows to punish China and foster ‘quantum’ economic growth

JTN: Former President Donald Trump kicked off his 2024 campaign rallies Saturday night with a rousing event in Waco, Texas, casting the next presidential election as a battle to defeat “sinister forces” seeking to topple America and vowing to muster a “quantum leap” in Americans’ living standards if returned to the White House.

With multiple criminal investigations bearing down from New York to Georgia, Trump said his enemies were afraid to defeat him at the ballot box so they’ve weaponized law enforcement against him and his supporters.

“For seven years, you and I have been taking on the corrupt, rotten, and sinister forces trying to destroy America,” he told thousands of cheering fans, who kicked off the rally in new fashion by playing Trump’s No. 1 best selling music hit “Justice for All” that overlayed his recital of the Pledge of Allegiance with a rendition of the Star Spangled Banner recorded by Jan. 6 defendants in prison. MORE

28 Comments on Trump kicks off 2024 rallies in Texas, vows to punish China and foster ‘quantum’ economic growth

  1. I watched part of this rally. Ted Nougant called Zelensky a faggot and all the media is condemning him as a homophobe. Whatever. Most energetic rally I’ve ever seen him hold. People are getting energized. Mean while on FOX Karl Rove is in full on campaign mode for Ronda Desantis. That should worry the fuck out of some folks.

  2. Yep, I saw Trump that praised Charlie Crist, the guy DeSantis annihilated by 19.4 points in the last election.
    The same guy who has lost as a democrat, republican, & independent in multiple elections.

    Trump must think everyone is a fucking moron.

  3. Ronda Desantis also described Russia as gas station with Nuclear weapons this week. The exact same way John McCain and Mitt Romney describe Russia. Hopefully the lights start coming on. This guys a blue blood RINO.

  4. ^^^^^ That’s a fucking Libtard right there. Most Conservatives are of the opinion that Trump had one of the most effective presidencies ever despite being blocked every step of the way. I share that view ad can’t wait for round two.

  5. Trump sucks as a judge of character.
    His ego won’t let others persuade him to reconsider his selections.
    He picked a bunch of assholes & backstabbers.
    His administration leaked like a sieve.
    I want him to learn from his mistakes, simple as that.

  6. What we need is a Dick Tater.

    I nominate Tater Salad.

    After all, he was thrown out of a bar in New York City.

    New York City?

    We’re gonna have to shut you down!

  7. I don’t know, Loco, but his cousin, Ima Nougat, is not related to Ima Hogg, aka, “The First Lady Of Texas.” Nougat was recently found spread too thin.

  8. Honestly though, think about it.
    Praising the DEMOCRAT who just lost in a landslide to a VERY POPULAR governor of a state you MUST have to win in 2024 tells me that Trump has lost his fucking mind.
    He will fuck away all his good will for cheap bullshit points that only please morons, simpletons & blithering idiot sycophants like Brad.

    Make it make sense!

  9. “Speaker Paul Ryan is a truly good man, and while he will not be seeking re-election, he will leave a legacy of achievement that nobody can question. We are with you Paul!”

    – President Donald J. Trump, April 11th, 2018

    Bad Brad – hardest hit

  10. A confident man would not even mention Ron DeSantis.
    If he did he would at least be honest and say “Ron has done a great job in Florida but it’s not his time. I have unfinished business to attend to in DC.”
    Alas, Trump is not a confident man.
    I am so disappointed.
    I thought he was different, better.
    Sad. Four more years of democrat rule because Trump cannot keep from stepping on his own dick.
    I absolutely hate this shit.

  11. @Loco

    I saw Brad’s first comment and said ,”Nope, not up to it tonight, I need the sleep”.

    Did you see the announcement yesterday from the Trump Campaign, the once that announce that anyone either working on RDS book tour or his campaign will be banned from getting any job in the Trump administration. They are so afraid of a guy that has not even declared, that they resort to this. Welcome to the Petulant Bratty Tour campaign. The man-child strikes again.

    For all those here that absolutely hate diversity hires [raising hand] and decry Biden hiring nothing but unqualified black females with a raging agenda, please explain to me how this is any different. “I will only hire folks that suck my dick, anyone who refuses, no soup for you. Damn meritocracy or damn hiring the most qualified candidate, nope, the man-child only hires lackies and sycophants.

    And with each stupid gesture like this that he indulges in he loses more and more potential voters.

  12. LocoBlancoSaltine March 26, 2023 at 12:43 am

    Yep, I saw Trump that praised Charlie Crist, the guy DeSantis annihilated by 19.4 points in the last election.
    The same guy who has lost as a democrat, republican, & independent in multiple elections.

    Trump must think everyone is a fucking moron.

    Trump has been all of those, Reform (1999–2001), Democratic (2001–2009), Independent (2011–2012), Republican (1987–1999, 2009–2011, 2012–present). Trump is like a reed in the wind. He changes political parties like he does his religion. I don’t trust his intuition that he says he depends on. I don’t support faggot lovers, it goes against my Christian principals.


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