They will, after all RATS is in their name…democRATS!
Think about this, too: Republicans and conservatives have been trying to demonstrate this truth for a long time, but only POTUS Trump has the platform (the presidency), the unique way of truth telling, and the complete conviction of rightness about it, to get that message through.
Thank you, God.
Democrats are DUTY-BOUND to defend rats.
Professional COURTESY, don’tcha know… 😳
Rat infestation is good business for the uncle tom race-baiters hired by the democrat party.
Just ask either obama, sharpton, waters, harris, cummings, Faucahontas, hillary clinton — in the private sector, they couldn’t even hack it at a McDonalds.
The ultimate Uncle Toms.
At least the rodents don’t pass laws that force everyone else to live in their insane, soul destroying, family destroying, anti-reality, anti-American world. They just want to be left alone in their filth.
99% of democrats give the other rats a bad name.
Democrats: If you just give us another $16B everything will be better.
WAIT!WAIT!WAIT a minute! I went to @almostJingo for more info and there’s a link there to an article in the Daily Mail about Ilhan Omar and some dude cozying up in a restaurant in the LA area last MARCH! That’s what I told hubby when I read that she was moving to a luxury penthouse and divorcing her #2 man. Again. “Aha! She must have a sugar daddy!” This could get really interesting! Especially if she heads to a country with no extradition treaty with the US. Heh. Sorry to hijack the thread.
Of course the Democrats have to defend rats in Baltimore. Rats represent a voting bloc for the left.
I thought it amusing that Orkin confirmed how high the rat population is in Baltimore. For reasons maybe not so obvious to a non-pro in the biz.
From the perspective of a professional at killing them, I think it’s a direct parallel of when I give a rat presentation to a neighborhood association having problems with them.
THEY (people living with the problem) need to get involved if you want quick results.
There are two parts to my presentations. One is educating the audience on what’s true about rats. There is so much mis-information out there that people are operating on – causing failure. The other is what to look for and what to do about it.
Distant armchair summation: The people living with the problems are letting it happen. Granted, the dynamic working against the individual is it’s a neighborhood-wide problem, So, what they’re missing is working in concert with their neighbors.
In Other Words – being a community that communicates and cooperates with each other for the benefit of all !
For all the Communism the North East states seem to love – they sure don’t “community” very well.
“A stray rat photobombed local channel Fox 45 as it ran a segment on conditions in Baltimore. As reporter Maxine Streicher told the audience that locals were “deeply offended” by President Donald Trump’s comments about Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings’ district in West Baltimore, the camera zoomed in on a bag of trash lying on the floor, burst open.
A rat ran across the screen, from right to left.”
But orange man bad, lol. PJ Media and others are posting the news clip.
Dadof4, I had a mouse “infestation” of one several years ago. It was a nice spring day, so I left my balcony door open (the balcony was all screened in). Mamma mouse had her nest right under the balcony and there must have been a small enough space, because when the babies left the nest, one of them decided to see what was inside.
My Ivan had gotten him and was standing behind me as I was on the computer. I heard a squeak and turned to see Ivan with the mouse’s tail in his mouth. The mouse was hanging upside down and would struggle and squeak a few times to get away.
I praised Ivan for being such a good boy, got a plastic container and made him drop it in. Took it to the front door and let it out. Then I shut the balcony door and kept trying to keep Ivan occupied as he searched for at least an hour for his new ‘toy’.
Don’t think I would do very well if it had been a rat!
Didja hear whut the one rat said to the other rat?
“Baltimore is infested with democRATs!”
Love your story and I miss Ivan just from what little I’ve seen, Claudia. But hey, if we are going to have a future, we are going to have to talk about future “Ivans” winning their battles conclusively.
I am a human Ivan.
I can see letting a rodent live within the parameters of a project or experiment, some kind of usefulness, but “back to nature”? We got problems in Dodge City. 😱 They, literally, breed faster than rabbits.
With deepest respect, 🙂
Dadof4, yes, Ivan was the most loving kitty ever. He was such a cuddler. Miss him a lot.
About the idea of letting future “Ivans” win their battles – we can discuss that! It was a quick, natural reaction to rescue. I did regret it some when he kept searching for it. Had he been on the balcony, I would have no problem with letting nature happen.
BTW, future? I’m still waiting! 😉
Rat extermination? Isn’t that a purpose of a revolution? In Australia they had a rabbit invasion, so had to hunt them down with GUNS which have since been banned. Now it’s the Democratic pay-to-play for all their criminal, armed Antifa mobs to deal with the rats–or maybe the criminal illegals.
How to rid of rats? Jakarta offers cash for every rat caught
The Jakarta Deputy Governor said a recent encounter with a large rat had inspired him to start the program, adding that the vermin were dangerous and could spread disease.
Agence France-Presse
Published 12:17 PM, October 19, 2016
“The deputy governor did not say how residents should catch rats and whether they should be dead or alive when handed over to authorities – but urged people to refrain from using firearms.
“If possible, please do not use guns,” he was quoted as saying by the Jakarta Post newspaper.
They will, after all RATS is in their name…democRATS!
Think about this, too: Republicans and conservatives have been trying to demonstrate this truth for a long time, but only POTUS Trump has the platform (the presidency), the unique way of truth telling, and the complete conviction of rightness about it, to get that message through.
Thank you, God.
Democrats are DUTY-BOUND to defend rats.
Professional COURTESY, don’tcha know… 😳
Rat infestation is good business for the uncle tom race-baiters hired by the democrat party.
Just ask either obama, sharpton, waters, harris, cummings, Faucahontas, hillary clinton — in the private sector, they couldn’t even hack it at a McDonalds.
The ultimate Uncle Toms.
At least the rodents don’t pass laws that force everyone else to live in their insane, soul destroying, family destroying, anti-reality, anti-American world. They just want to be left alone in their filth.
99% of democrats give the other rats a bad name.
Democrats: If you just give us another $16B everything will be better.
WAIT!WAIT!WAIT a minute! I went to @almostJingo for more info and there’s a link there to an article in the Daily Mail about Ilhan Omar and some dude cozying up in a restaurant in the LA area last MARCH! That’s what I told hubby when I read that she was moving to a luxury penthouse and divorcing her #2 man. Again. “Aha! She must have a sugar daddy!” This could get really interesting! Especially if she heads to a country with no extradition treaty with the US. Heh. Sorry to hijack the thread.
Of course the Democrats have to defend rats in Baltimore. Rats represent a voting bloc for the left.
I thought it amusing that Orkin confirmed how high the rat population is in Baltimore. For reasons maybe not so obvious to a non-pro in the biz.
From the perspective of a professional at killing them, I think it’s a direct parallel of when I give a rat presentation to a neighborhood association having problems with them.
THEY (people living with the problem) need to get involved if you want quick results.
There are two parts to my presentations. One is educating the audience on what’s true about rats. There is so much mis-information out there that people are operating on – causing failure. The other is what to look for and what to do about it.
Distant armchair summation: The people living with the problems are letting it happen. Granted, the dynamic working against the individual is it’s a neighborhood-wide problem, So, what they’re missing is working in concert with their neighbors.
In Other Words – being a community that communicates and cooperates with each other for the benefit of all !
For all the Communism the North East states seem to love – they sure don’t “community” very well.
“A stray rat photobombed local channel Fox 45 as it ran a segment on conditions in Baltimore. As reporter Maxine Streicher told the audience that locals were “deeply offended” by President Donald Trump’s comments about Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings’ district in West Baltimore, the camera zoomed in on a bag of trash lying on the floor, burst open.
A rat ran across the screen, from right to left.”
But orange man bad, lol. PJ Media and others are posting the news clip.
Dadof4, I had a mouse “infestation” of one several years ago. It was a nice spring day, so I left my balcony door open (the balcony was all screened in). Mamma mouse had her nest right under the balcony and there must have been a small enough space, because when the babies left the nest, one of them decided to see what was inside.
My Ivan had gotten him and was standing behind me as I was on the computer. I heard a squeak and turned to see Ivan with the mouse’s tail in his mouth. The mouse was hanging upside down and would struggle and squeak a few times to get away.
I praised Ivan for being such a good boy, got a plastic container and made him drop it in. Took it to the front door and let it out. Then I shut the balcony door and kept trying to keep Ivan occupied as he searched for at least an hour for his new ‘toy’.
Don’t think I would do very well if it had been a rat!
Didja hear whut the one rat said to the other rat?
“Baltimore is infested with democRATs!”
Love your story and I miss Ivan just from what little I’ve seen, Claudia. But hey, if we are going to have a future, we are going to have to talk about future “Ivans” winning their battles conclusively.
I am a human Ivan.
I can see letting a rodent live within the parameters of a project or experiment, some kind of usefulness, but “back to nature”? We got problems in Dodge City. 😱 They, literally, breed faster than rabbits.
With deepest respect, 🙂
Dadof4, yes, Ivan was the most loving kitty ever. He was such a cuddler. Miss him a lot.
About the idea of letting future “Ivans” win their battles – we can discuss that! It was a quick, natural reaction to rescue. I did regret it some when he kept searching for it. Had he been on the balcony, I would have no problem with letting nature happen.
BTW, future? I’m still waiting! 😉
Rat extermination? Isn’t that a purpose of a revolution? In Australia they had a rabbit invasion, so had to hunt them down with GUNS which have since been banned. Now it’s the Democratic pay-to-play for all their criminal, armed Antifa mobs to deal with the rats–or maybe the criminal illegals.
How to rid of rats? Jakarta offers cash for every rat caught
The Jakarta Deputy Governor said a recent encounter with a large rat had inspired him to start the program, adding that the vermin were dangerous and could spread disease.
Agence France-Presse
Published 12:17 PM, October 19, 2016
“The deputy governor did not say how residents should catch rats and whether they should be dead or alive when handed over to authorities – but urged people to refrain from using firearms.
“If possible, please do not use guns,” he was quoted as saying by the Jakarta Post newspaper.
“If you miss your shot, the bullets could hit other people.””