Trump Making Inroads Among Black Voters – IOTW Report

Trump Making Inroads Among Black Voters

While Obama makes plans to finally visit flood ravaged Louisiana (four days after Trump and Pence tour the area) and Hillary prepares her written responses for a federal court over her e-mails, Donald Trump is up among black voters from 2.5 percent ten days ago to an eye popping 14.6 percent today.


Hillary’s “run out the clock” strategy is starting to cost her part of the Democrat base.  That West Bend speech left a mark and it looks like Trump is going to keep bashing away with it.


3 Comments on Trump Making Inroads Among Black Voters

  1. Of course Trump’s message is going to appeal to blacks–the ones that have been out of work for months or even years and keep looking and looking for jobs when there just aren’t any out there.

    The dindoo nuffin’ crowd might not dig him, but why should I care what they think?

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