Trump, Not Illegal Aliens, Blamed For Rise in STDs – IOTW Report

Trump, Not Illegal Aliens, Blamed For Rise in STDs

Salon is absurd, choosing to blame the rise of STDs on the financial pressures put on Planned Parenthood.

Here’s a concept! Why doesn’t Planned Parenthood do the things they claim they were doing – disease screenings – without the abortions?

Dumb question. The answer is because they sell baby parts.


Titled “Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance Report”, the report noted that in 2018, there were more than 2.4 million syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia infections combined — an increase of more than 100,000 from the previous year.

There was also a 71 percent increase in syphilis cases since 2014, along with a 22 percent increase from 2017 in the number of newborn deaths related to congenital syphilis.

The CDC said the rise in newborn deaths caused by congenital syphilis, which is passed from mother to child during pregnancy, is connected to rising syphilis rates among women having children. In a media statement, the CDC encouraged women to get tested for STDs by their health care providers and use protection.

“STDs can come at a high cost for babies and other vulnerable populations,” Jonathan Mermin, M.D., M.P.H., director of CDC’s National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, said. “Curbing STDs will improve the overall health of the nation and prevent infertility, HIV, and infant deaths.”

While the CDC did not explicitly state it, STI testing is becoming harder to come by for vulnerable populations because free test clinics — including some Planned Parenthood clinics — are being defunded by Trump administration policies. Ironically, the Trump administration’s pro-life policies have put newborn babies at a higher risk for death. Indeed, the Trump administration’s policy decision to cut off Title X funding to health care centers that provide abortion care is resulting in the closing of clinics that don’t offer abortion services, but do offer STD testing.


How does the rise in leprosy, or every other 3rd world disease, get explained away as Trump’s fault?

14 Comments on Trump, Not Illegal Aliens, Blamed For Rise in STDs

  1. I’m guessing that the leftist ideal of “stick whatever you want wherever you want in whomever you want” has more to with the disease spreading than Trump does.

  2. In their relentless, never ending Crusade of Trump Hatred, nothing is too preposterous!
    It’s like a childhood pissing contest to see who can pee the highest or a farting contest to see who can out-fart who and in the process pass something unexpected… thus the expression: “Do me a solid”
    “No problem, I just had lunch at the food truck”

  3. So now Trump’s responsible for the Clap…not irresponsible PP clients who choose to forgo free birth control as preventative methods against unwanted pregnancies, instead using abortion as the solution, or prophylactics against diseases.

    My lord, this man is more powerful than I thought!

  4. Engelburka – My lord, this man is more powerful than I thought!

    Not only that, but he is singularly responsible for the biggest disaster of all:
    A booming economy!
    The last friggin thing democRATs ever wanted to see!!

  5. In other words, Planned Parenthood is nothing more than a unscrupulous junkyard for baby parts using the Earl Scheib school of marketing: Any part, any color! $29.95 plus shipping.
    Disclaimer: Slight damage may be present, styles may vary, past performance doesn’t guarantee future results, use at your own risk, batteries not included:

  6. So in 2018 PP donated $30 million to democrat politicians. Maybe some of that money would have been better spent “saving babies”?

    Planned parenthood had killed more babies than the Chinese government, so excuse me if I’m not moved by their sudden concern for the lives of newborns.


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