Trump Official Refuses to Overturn Unpopular Obama Federal Election Policy – IOTW Report

Trump Official Refuses to Overturn Unpopular Obama Federal Election Policy

DC: Officials with the Department of Homeland Security are deciding to continue a last-minute Obama administration policy designating state-run election systems as “critical infrastructure,” which gives the federal government new and expansive authority over elections.

The policy was so unpopular among state officials, the National Association of Secretaries of State rejected the designation Feb. 18 and appealed to the Trump administration for a reversal of the policy.

DHS official David Hess, acting as a Trump senior administration official who is performing the duties of the department’s undersecretary, affirmed the Obama administration’s previous policy in a March 6 letter to NASS President Denise W. Merrill.

Hess reaffirmed the special federal designation for election machinery as “critical infrastructure,” claiming it will help state election officials and saying it “enables DHS to prioritize its assistance to election officials.”

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20 Comments on Trump Official Refuses to Overturn Unpopular Obama Federal Election Policy

  1. Sounds to me like the Trump admin is going to use this as a tool to go after voter fraud and ineligible voters. Like illegals and dead people. If that’s the case I’m for it.

  2. I’m even against electronic voting. It is too easy for it to be manipulated, hacked or stacked.

    And yes, I will gladly sit past midnight helping to count paper ballots.

  3. The ONLY way voting should be done is to go to your polling place, show you ID, vote, then leave. All of this easy voting crap is just a way for the left to engage in voter fraud. If you’re too lazy to go to a polling place, then your ass doesn’t get to complain if your candidate loses!

  4. My Secretary of State (Brian Kemp, Georgia) told them to fuck off. Then, they hacked in. DHS attempted more than 1200 times to get inside the firewalls that safeguard or election systems. He called ’em on it loud and long.

    I thought the boy did good.

  5. Southern California was filthy with fraud. In fact I’ll bet money if the truth were known Trumps figures on the illegal vote, that the drive by thought ridiculous, were understated. If they want to use this to clean that shit up, and then repeal it, I’m for it. Obviously there’s a huge problem.

  6. We need to ram through 100% Positive ID–photo, residency plus PROOF of citizenship.

    Meanwhile purge the rolls of the dead and fictitious names, duplications, etc.
    No exceptions.

    Do that and the Dems will never win a national Presidential election again.
    Without illegals and black big-city ballot fraud, they’ll lose even more Senate and House seats in New England and the Southwest.

    Heck @Brad, your vote in California could actually matter again.

    I’d like to see the Dems reduced to a dwindling handful of city council seats in Philly, Ann Arbor and Berkeley.

  7. There’s an obvious solution being ignored here. Eliminate DHS.

    Best side benefit: No more TSA. They’ve never caught even one terrorist anyway. I’ll take my chances, just like I did before they were created. You wanna grope my private parts, you gotta pay ME, not the other way around.

  8. DHS official David Hess, acting as a Trump senior administration official who is performing the duties of the department’s undersecretary emphasized that the participation of states is “voluntary” and insisted it “does not involve federal intrusion, takeover, or regulation of any kind.”

    For the sake of argument let us say the Trump Administration stays true to the above statement. What assurances do we have that the next Administration or Congress would not act as Obama, Pelosi and Reid had when they had absolute control of the Federal government, ignored the Constitution, laws, rules and regulations?
    None. There can be no assurances that would be truthful.

  9. Incorporation for the City of Chicago, 1837.

    Chicago celebrating 180 years of patronage, nepotism, fraud, theft, political corruption and voter fraud.

    A city, as an individual, you can vote Democrat for generations.

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