Trump On Sessions – “They lost the election and now, they have lost their grip on reality” – IOTW Report

Trump On Sessions – “They lost the election and now, they have lost their grip on reality”

-President Donald J. Trump

11 Comments on Trump On Sessions – “They lost the election and now, they have lost their grip on reality”

  1. i am enjoying this comedy

    it is surreal to me watching a so-called comedian question a man of great integrity and the left grabs onto the response like it is the holy grail

    franken, failed comedian, failed politician, punchable face

  2. Am I the only one thinking Jamie Gorelick was held to one standard and Sessions is being held to another standard? Wasn’t Gorelick DIRECTLY responsible for some kind of scandal and then allowed to be on the Investigating Team?

  3. Time to go on offense and investigate Hillary properly. She belongs in jail.
    Dig out Obama’s academic records and hold him accountable for his unconstitutional actions. They need something to be concerned about to keep them busy, or it will never stop. They have too much time on their hands right now.

  4. More old stuff from the Democrat playbook. Forget if it is true or not just keep heaping allegations for the press to spoon feed the brain dead into believing it is a fact when it is not. Totally shameless but they have none.

  5. The problem here is that by recusing himself, Sessions has fed the SJW beast. They are now encouraged. They will not stop until he steps down. You would think after half a century, Republicans would learn the game.

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