Trump Portrait – IOTW Report

Trump Portrait


Who ca guess the medium used for this “tribute” portrait?


22 Comments on Trump Portrait

  1. I was gonna follow all that up with the boilerplate “sorry, having a bad day” BS that jerks like me do… But nah, actually it’s “Thanks”, that really did make me feel a little “better” for the moment. I REALLY needed a distraction.
    You know what? Actually, I’m deleting the smartass asshat comments before I post this anyway… So just thanks guys for letting me not think for a minute or two.

  2. I can’t believe that the entire media will say nothing positive about Donald Trump. Meghan Kelly ,OReilly, FOX, The Five, Whoopie Goldberg, the view the whole fucking lot have nothing positive to say about Trump. But he is still on top. They are dying for someone to overtake him. Anyone . If Al gore showed up tomorrow they would jump all over him. Fuck the media.
    If it were not for Mark Steyn, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannitty, we wouldn’t know shit. If we were still depending on Walter Cronkite, Dan Rather and their lying ilk, we wouldn’t know shuit.

  3. Levy hasn’t chosen which immigrant rights organization specifically will get the proceeds of sales from the painting. She’s auctioning off the original soon…

    Someone call the health department – that’s a biohazard, could be carrying any one of a number of nasty diseases.

  4. Even though Donald Trump is a loud mouth, a bragard, a prick, a piece of shit , a fucking big ass billionaire, a scumbag, I will vote for him because he is just like the scumbags in government who act like fucking saints.. Go Donald You have my vote and three more in the family.

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