Trump presidency is sounding better and better – IOTW Report

Trump presidency is sounding better and better

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1500 people responded Hawaii.

5800 people said Alaska.

And they’re worried about Trump?


22 Comments on Trump presidency is sounding better and better

  1. In 1968 my father swore up and down that he would move the family to Australia if Bobby Kennedy was elected. I was very excited because I didn’t like the school I attended, which was filled with little libtard snotnoses who bullied me fonstantly. I thought it would be wonderful to start over in a different school in a different place.

    Damn that Sirhan Sirhan!

  2. Dammit, I see Canada is in the top three. When will the lefty/progs learn that we don’t want you. If you’re a true believer stay around and fight in the next election because we don’t need 25,000 left wing assholes telling everyone else how to live their lives. We have enough of those already.

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