Trump put Schumer in DACA headlock – IOTW Report

Trump put Schumer in DACA headlock

American Thinker: Trump has put Schumer in a no-win situation on DACA.

How do Democrats explain to themselves the way they keep getting outsmarted by a man they claim is a moron?  President Trump has Democrats exactly where he wants them on the issue of DACA. Even PBS gets it:

With a new deadline fast approaching, Democrats in Congress are struggling to adopt a unified strategy to protect hundreds of thousands of young immigrants from deportation.

Their inaction has enraged liberal activists across the country, who have shifted their anger in recent days from Republicans who control Congress to Democrats seeking to balance their commitment to a progressive priority with their desire to avoid an explosive government shutdown heading into the 2018 midterm elections.

The “young immigrants” in question re the so-called “Dreamers,” that group of illegal immigrants purportedly brought to this country by their parents, one quarter of whom are functionally illiterate and half of whom have not bothered to learn English.  The Democrats correctly see them as future voters, and hope that chain migration triples or quadruples the 800,000 into millions of new Democrats if they are allowed to gain permanent residence and citizenship.

The problem is that the general public is far from convinced that legalizing a group of border violators likely to become tax consumers, not tax payers, is the most pressing problem facing the nation, worthy of shutting down the government if Democrats don’t get their way. President Trump already called their bluff when they threatened the continuing resolution over DACA last month and the Dems caved and averted a Christmas season government shutdown. Their problem is that a substantial part of their base is angry over that concession to public opinion:  more here

23 Comments on Trump put Schumer in DACA headlock

  1. This reminds me of Bush’s 8 years. The media and the democracts or demediacrats as I like to call them, kept saying Bush was a complete idiot, then when he got something past them he was suddenly so smart he was able to trick them.
    Face it, demediacrats are not that smart.

  2. If Trump really wants to show what hypocrites the dems are, he should propose letting the dreamers stay, but with a provision that they can never vote until they go through the entire immigration process. If he does that, you will hear democrats heads exploding all over the country.

  3. Only when The Party’s prinxesses are (almost to already) in their 80’s can weapons with grand-children, but (legally) not great-grand-children, be described as “young”. Right, Howard Dean? (cue the clip)

  4. Seems to me the FBI should be talking to the Ink Masters to get a copy of their clientele list. Would be a lot easier than tracing down these guys individually. What am I saying?! The FBI can’t seem to find their behinds with a flashlight, a map and the help of a dozen colleagues.

  5. All this “shut the government down” is bullshit. Shut the damn thing down! These frigging idiots couldn’t punch their way out of a wet paper bag yet they pretend to know everything. If they were so fucking smart how in the hell did we get to this point to begin with? Democrat, Republican it doesn’t make any difference. Have you noticed, especially now that Tax reform has passed, how all of a sudden more of the RINO’s are praising Trump and “Their” accomplishment. Sorry, I had to get in my Monday morning rant. The bastards.

  6. They have to be to leave in stead of denying them the vote – or the next Democrat in power will simply grant them the vote and be a hero. Heartbreakingly, I know a lovely young Indonesian nurse who is a “dreamer” (hurry up and get married to a citizen!), who we will lose – but I would look her in the eye and tell her it is worth it to keep this flood of scum out.


    The fact that the issue is even on the table to talk about, means Republicans will CAVE and allow unvetted democrat parasites to stick around and do nothing. NO PROBATION, no requirements, no nothing, just “Welcome to America”, now stop calling us racists Ok? Please?

  8. NC077 – They can’t legally vote now. Let’s re-affirm historical immigration policy and require sponsors so the Dreamers can’t receive any form of gov’t benefits.

  9. Here is my compromise proposal.
    In 2012 Obozo created his DACA executive order in response to the immigration crisis caused by him. DACA means Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. It is now 2018. Since a “child” (as opposed to an “adolescent”) in 12 years of age or under, DACA should only apply to individuals now 18 years of age or less; any older than that and you get deported.

    6 years is plenty of time to become proficient in English. Can’t speak English? You get deported.

    For the remainder of DACA individuals, apply the same rules as for LEGAL immigrants, so for example, if you commit a misdemeanor or felony, or voter fraud, you forfeit, and are deported.

    Reverse any chain migration, and deport any DACA family members admitted since 2012. Separating families? No, you are free to take your DACA kid back with you.

    Stop all illegal immigration now, AND legal immigration for at least 10 years.

  10. Every single criminal illegal aliens got to go no amnesty . I’m sick of seeing the criminal illegal aliens getting
    Welfare, driving licenses, voting , killing, Time to send them back home to clean their own bathroom and pick their own fruit and vegetables

  11. The nanny pelosi is going crazy over this . She is another one that needs to jump from the Chesapeake bridge b, or Francis Scott bay bridge . This are very close to Washington, D.C..

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