Trump Receives Endorsements in DeSantis Backyard – IOTW Report

Trump Receives Endorsements in DeSantis Backyard

It’s gonna get ugly.


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was in Washington on Tuesday to greet a parade of congressional Republicans interested in his emerging presidential campaign. Former President Donald Trump promptly rained on that parade with a shower of endorsements, several of them from their shared home state.

Trump has so far been endorsed by at least six Republican members of Florida’s congressional delegation, two of whom signed up within hours of each other Tuesday, with Trump boasting the support of Reps. Greg Steube and John Rutherford.

MAGA Inc., a pro-Trump super PAC, later said Rep. Brian Mast of Florida had endorsed Trump, as well. Mast’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

As pressure mounted over Trump’s racking up endorsement wins in Florida, DeSantis on Tuesday announced the backing of Republican Rep. Laurel Lee. It is the only endorsement he has from his home state delegation. Lee was DeSantis’ first secretary of state.

“The only people who like Ron DeSantis are the people who have never met him,” Taylor Budowich, the CEO of MAGA Inc., said after the wave of Florida Republicans backed Trump.

Trump has gained significantly more congressional support than DeSantis, who is not expected to announce his formal bid for president until May or June.


9 Comments on Trump Receives Endorsements in DeSantis Backyard

  1. Given Trump’s past proclivities for playing fast and loose with the truth, I would not believe any endorsement unless it came from the lips of the endorser.

    ““The only people who like Ron DeSantis are the people who have never met him,” Taylor Budowich, the CEO of MAGA Inc.”

    What a fucking scumbag. See, this is what pisses me off about the people that Trump aligns himself with. And it clears up any confusion as to Trump getting better at judging character or hiring folks, he still sucks at it.

    And here is one difference between Trump and RDS; You can bet that if Ron hears about a Floridian endorsing Trump, he is not going to blow a blood vessel in his forehead and throw a hissy fit about disloyalty.

  2. @dman

    Obviously, you are new here, since this has been discussed ad nauseam. Yes, I will vote for the nominee, no matter who it is. But since you are new here, I sure hope you are not one of those hero-worshipping lackeys who can’t criticize obvious bad behavior even if it comes from one on our side of the aisle.

  3. What good are endorsements anyway?
    Just this past week Trump endorsed Bud Light, Disney’s fiefdom, & Gavin Newsom.
    In the past he endorsed Paul Ryan and appointed Christopher Wray.
    It’s pay to play for a man who supposedly “can’t be bought.”
    *Sigh. Give me a break.

    One thing is certain, if you ever stray off the Trump plantation you are DEAD TO HIM.


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