Trump Receives One of Highest Honors the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Bestows – IOTW Report

Trump Receives One of Highest Honors the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Bestows

20 Comments on Trump Receives One of Highest Honors the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Bestows

  1. I think Barry received the same one on the initial meeting. Except he put it on himself. Trump bent over so the King could place the award over his head and Lib assholes, including Super Stupid Mex are showing screen shots claiming Trump bowed. Super Stupid Mex even linked countless libs to prove his point.

  2. Bad_brad, anyone with half a brain knows Trump wouldnt bow to them so that would explain supermex. That or he is purposely distorting the truth like cnn etc.

  3. Hussein hates America, he wanted to bow the entire nation to the world so it could piss on us. Not unlike a Folsem Street Fair toilet pig. In fact the same mental illness scaled to a national level.

  4. Charlie, as a manufacturer, and seeing what these ass holes are trying to do to Trump, I’m more than angry. Trump just brought a hell of a lot of business for the manufacturing economy back home. There’s a really old saying that I use to totally take advantage of. The objective of the game is to take all the money out of their bank account and put it in yours. That’s Trump. Obamas biggest sin against our country was destroying the manufacturing base. He hurt me and mine bad. So yea when I hear some ignorant asshole like Sooper Mex running his mouth, I want to hurt him.

  5. Brad, i am confident your business will recover and probably increase. I see this SA thing as Trump doing business also, not playing foreigh policy games. He showed up as the Man. The Boss. He has more gravitas then earth.

  6. Charlie, I shouldn’t have had the set back in the first place. That’s why we don’t elect communist. I could go on and on. Instead, I’ll go to bed.

  7. Trump DIDN’T bow; he just had to get low cuz he’s a towering creature of masculinity. The little, crooked-back, bent-over Saudi royal could not reach high enough to rope the Donald with the bling that he wanted to bestow. Our PRESDIENT was just being courteous, whereas Oblahblah was being subservient. Big diff.

  8. “why are we even talking about douchebags anyway? I”

    Because I want to hurt him bad. Please indulge me. Get your camera ready. Fucking asshole traitorous peice of shit.

  9. Reboot, I love you for that brother, I really do. We had to put the gun stuff on the back burner and get after the design and build. There’s a couple here that have thankfully purchased my weapons. If they want to come forward they are welcome. Right now, thanks to DJT we are trying to get back to design and build. The average idiot has no idea what DJT means to the economy.

  10. @Vermin Control: I haven’t used “Folsem Street Fair toilet pig.” in a while! PERFECT!!
    In fact, how I feel about fairy Colbert? That term NAILS it!

  11. Bad_Brad,
    I buy American, if you offer a product I have a need
    for. Seriously.
    Chris makes my blades I use in the jungle here. Goddamn
    great company from Missouri.
    I’ve still to learn the AR-15 thing. I’m a M-14/M-1A guy
    that can’t afford to buy anymore….. ;( I hated the spring
    in my ear when firing the M-16.

  12. But wasn’t Obola awarded the coveted “Order of the Chocolate Starfish?”

    by the Saudis … or maybe it was the French

    I seem to remember reading about that … somewhere … else …

    izlamo delenda est …

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