Trump Reportedly Considering Naming Herman Cain to Fed – IOTW Report

Trump Reportedly Considering Naming Herman Cain to Fed President Donald Trump reportedly is considering tapping Herman Cain to fill one of the two vacant seats on the Federal Reserve’s board.

Bloomberg News first reported the news, citing unnamed sources. CNBC says it has confirmed that Trump is considering Cain.

Cain, 73, served as a director on the board of the Kansas City Fed from 1992-1996.  He eventually rose to become chairman of the board. He had been a board member of the Omaha branch of the Kansas City Fed since 1989.

Fed directors are dedicated representatives of Main Street business, community development, organized labor, and financial services sectors. As a Class C director, Cain’s role was to represent the public–as opposed to the banking sector–on the board. Class C directors cannot be affiliated with the banking industry.

Cain campaigned for the Republican nomination in the 2012 presidential contest. He was best known for his 9-9-9 tax plan which would have replaced the current tax system with flat 9 percent taxes on personal income, a 9 percent corporate income tax, and a 9 percent sales tax.  more

9 Comments on Trump Reportedly Considering Naming Herman Cain to Fed

  1. I still have a “Cain for President” yard sign. Imagine if we got him instead of the odious skunk, John McCain. Could’ve been a whole different decade.

    If you think about what sunk old Herman (Mrs. Cain giving him the stink-eye for patting/pinching white women on the ass) it seems almost cute compared to what was later revealed about President DJT’s oat-sewing experiences.

    These are perilous times for heteronormative Alpha males!


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