Trump RV Owner Put in Hospital After Attack with Sledgehammer – IOTW Report

Trump RV Owner Put in Hospital After Attack with Sledgehammer


A 64-year-old New Jersey man who operates a Trump RV was brutally beaten with a hammer on Friday and airlifted to a local hospital in critical condition.

Rocky Granata of Edison, a beloved father and grandfather, was well-known in the region and across the nation for his Trump RV.

Granata attended Trump rallies, traveled across the country in his Trump RV and sold merchandise. More

13 Comments on Trump RV Owner Put in Hospital After Attack with Sledgehammer

  1. And for all those prog apologists who would say ,”Well, we don’t condone violence, but we should not turn our backs on the mental health of Michael, who was clearly reaching out for help and needs our compassion”, I would just say that your entire ideology foments hate and just this type of behavior.

    It is no coincidence that 99% of the crackpots, losers, incels, and psychopaths are left leaning, folks who devour the hatred filled rhetoric that is the staple of the MSM. When you demonize Trump and his followers, you create reactionary soldiers who will take matters into their own hands. They are all complicit.

  2. Rocky Granata has both Instagram and X accounts. Maybe there is more info there.
    I don’t have accounts at either. Maybe someone else can look up to see if there is any more info or a way to donate to help him.

  3. Jethro

    I found his IG account. No updates. Guy seems to have a lot of family and friends. I followed. Let’s hope the old guy pulls through. He could be one of our readers here. He’d fit right in.

  4. The citizens that restrained the perp should have taken the sledge and broken both his ankles/feet before the po-po arrived.
    “But orifocer, he was struggling to escape, and we were attempting to restrain him until you arrived.”


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