Trump Says He Will Do ‘Tele-Town Hall’ with Hannity After Harris Backs Out of Debate – IOTW Report

Trump Says He Will Do ‘Tele-Town Hall’ with Hannity After Harris Backs Out of Debate


Former President Donald Trump said he would be taking part in a “tele-town hall” with Fox News’s Sean Hannity after Vice President Kamala Harris reportedly announced she would not participate in a debate on September 4th.

In a post on Truth Social, Trump claimed that Harris had “informed” him that she would “not do” a debate on September 4th on Fox News. Trump added that Harris knew it would be “very difficult” for her “to defend her record” of flip-flopping on issues. read more

10 Comments on Trump Says He Will Do ‘Tele-Town Hall’ with Hannity After Harris Backs Out of Debate

  1. Hannaty is a vaxxx coward who tried to use his platform to deprive his neighbors of the use of their own homes because HE was afraid.

    I dont care what else he says or does, I will NEVER forget THAT.

    Go be a coward somewhere else, sean.

    Not on MY radio.

  2. “A coward dies a thousand times before his death, but the valiant taste of death but once. It seems to me most strange that men should fear, seeing that death, a necessary end, will come when it will come.”
    -William Shakespeare, “Julius Caesar”

    …given that as an axiom, the cowardly Sean Hannity just getting up and going out must die more deaths in an hour than another Sean, Sean Bean, has died in his entire career…

    …too bad his “karate master” never taught him about fear.

    If he’s THAT skeered of a VIRUS, I find it hard to believe he’d be of any use in a fight…

  3. Sean Hannity? Oh HELL no!
    Better to have the interview with Bo Snerdly (James Golden), former right hand man to the late great Rush Limbaugh.


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