Trump Sends a Message To Syria – IOTW Report

Trump Sends a Message To Syria

Trump statement– video—

US missiles blast Syria base where chem planes took off.

The United States blasted a Syrian air base with a barrage of cruise missiles Thursday night in fiery retaliation for this week’s gruesome chemical weapons attack against civilians. President Donald Trump cast the U.S. assault as vital to deter future use of poison gas and called on other nations to join in seeking “to end the slaughter and bloodshed in Syria.”

It was the first direct American assault on the Syrian government and Trump’s most dramatic military order since becoming president just over two months ago. Announcing the assault from his Florida resort, Trump said there was no doubt Syrian President Bashar Assad was responsible for the chemical attack, which he said employed banned gases and killed dozens.

“Assad choked out the lives of innocent men, women and children,” Trumped declared.


62 Comments on Trump Sends a Message To Syria

  1. “Trump Sends a Message To Syria”

    To the world. There’s a new sheriff in town. He was dining with the Prime Minister of China tonight. The timing could not have been more perfect.

  2. A universal message that needs no translator and has many meanings.

    In no order:

    *think long and hard before you try that stunt again
    *There’s a new sheriff in town
    *Don’t piss me off or Please give me a reason (that is the only one where the meaning gets confused- but that may be on purpose).

    Thank God Hillary lost!

  3. Reminds me of Gunny Highway in Heartbreak Ridge:
    “If you ladies think that you can slip and slide just because your last sergeant was a pussy, well queer bait, you’re going to start acting like Marines right now!”

  4. For the first time in eight years I’m proud of my country. Got that Moose?
    I’m gonna go watch the opening sequence to the movie Patton now. Call me if you need me.

  5. My opinion will probably be unpopular, but here goes…
    If this was meant as a not so subtle message to radical islam, then ok. Otherwise, it’s none of our business, and we should stay the hell out of the mideast and their bullshit problems. I’m tired of the US being the goddamned world police. If the Syrian people don’t like the way there get treated by their own leaders, then they can damned well rise up and overthrow the government. A lot of them may die in the effort, but ultimately, they would win. 5 million people, even unarmed, can overrun an army of 100K. It’s their business, we should stay the hell out of it.

  6. It’s like the skinny twit flicking beer at the big guy at the bar.
    The big guy says- What are you doing?
    Little guy keeps flicking beer.
    The big guy punches little guy in the nose.
    No more beer is flicked.

  7. President Trump does not talk a mean game, he plays the game, and he plays to win.
    America, America is back, don’t screw with us. As Xi was having a glass of wine and a New York Steak, President Trump said excuse me I have to make a call. And Syria soon after was eating 50,000 pounds of Tomahawk missiles.
    You can bet he called Putin and said get your people out of there, you have X amount of hours and then we are going to rain down Hell Fire on the air field.
    It’s a whole new ball game.
    We have a real leader leading us now and he needs us to be behind him, no more of this I don’t know, I just can’t trust him, this is why we voted him into office.
    Lead, Follow, or get out of the way.

  8. Yup, looks like the good ‘ol U. S. of A. is back in the world leadership business again. No more of that dithering, dhimmi-ing disaster by a dimwitted dunderhead.

  9. So Trump said last week, “the Trump administration signaled the U.S. was no longer interested in trying to push Assad from power>”.
    Assad thought he would get away with something. Found out differently.

  10. Why would Assad commit suicide by Trump, by using nerve gas? Unless he is insane, he would not.

    The videos I’ve seen are clearly not sarin victims. Cholinesterase inhibiters – like sarin – have clear, unmistakable, symptoms. These were not apparent in any of the supposed victims in the videos I saw.

    President Trump got played, and we’re all being lied to.

  11. I went over to Breitbart and I’m creeped out by the comments. All the libs trolling there and some of them claiming they’re libertarians who supported Trump, but no more… They’re all calling Trump Israel’s puppet and basically blaming the Joooos for this and everything Trump does. Truly pathetic.

  12. JMV. You have to remember that this all started because obutthole and Killary blew up Libya and then it moved to the whole of North Africa. P. Trump has to make a move or he will lose Egypt and Jordan. And we need him to make a statement now, and a strong one, which he did, to show that we are not going to fuck around, we mean business.
    How do you think that all of the moslems started to move into Europe, the whole thing would never have happened if they had left Gaddafi alone. He really was on our side. (sort of)
    Trump will make this into a win.
    Let the left scream, and lead from behind.

  13. “I’m okay with this, as long as we don’t hang out there”

    I totally agree with anybody that expresses that thought, I’m not a fan of that idea either. One big change to consider though. ROI’s have changed. Kill them, and leave.

  14. Children should never have to live their lives in fear. The photos and video I’ve seen of parents burying their murdered children touched me very deeply. Let the bombing begin and send these dirty, murderous bastards to hell to be greeted by Satan himself.

  15. “@MJA: “I went over to Breitbart and I’m creeped out by the comments.”

    There’s six of them using different I.D.s and they don’t own guns. Piss off bitches.

  16. Yeehaw! Who does Assad thinks he’s playing with? Trump is not a Kenyan despot frolicing with Tahitian pool boys. A real American president is fighting back against Islamic aggression.

  17. “Yeah, especially since our shit works and theirs don’t. lol”

    I’m going to take a shot here that you were replying to me. If so, think about this. They’ve stolen all our designs. Do they not think we don’t know how to defeat our own designs? We actually put a lot of effort towards that.

  18. I’m with Benito, betcha little kim cools his wheels
    for a couple of weeks.

    I’m glad they had enough proof to knock assad on this
    ass once and for all. Let’s see how Russia helps to topple
    him now.

  19. I bought some Raytheon stock, maker of the tomahawk missile, the day after Election Day amongst other military stocks. Looks like we just got a replacement order for 59 tomahawks. Also bought Martin marrieta which mines sand and gravel cuz there’s a wall to be built.

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