Trump should move to try and remove federal hate crime laws – IOTW Report

Trump should move to try and remove federal hate crime laws

It would make the left’s collective head explode. But it also makes sense for Trump to go for this. He’s the racist president. So isn’t this exactly what a “racist” would do?

If you’re being called one no matter what you do, you might as well take advantage and play the part.

As Blazing Cat Fur points out:

-The stabbing of Yankel Rosenbaum by assailants yelling “Get the Jew!”: NOT a federal hate crime.

-The brutal kidnapping and murder of a young white couple in Knoxville, Tennessee, by black youths: NOT a federal hate crime.

-The torture of a mentally disabled kid in Chicago, by assailants saying “F—- white people!” and “F—- Trump!”: NOT a federal hate crime.

-A white man killing a white woman by driving into a crowd of left-wing protesters: THAT’S a federal hate crime.

This legislation is asinine.

9 Comments on Trump should move to try and remove federal hate crime laws

  1. Government employment must also be removed as a special protected class. A crime against a cop or politician is no worse than a crime against a productive citizen.

  2. Twenty years ago Matthew Shepherd sacrificed his life to bring us the much-needed hate crime law. You will not let this beautiful man’s sacrifice go in vain. The hate crime law stays.

  3. @MJ, you know, President Raygun already pointed that out.
    “It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.”― Ronald Reagan


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