Trump should start proposing left-wing policies – IOTW Report

Trump should start proposing left-wing policies

Hear me out.

The left is so deranged, if Trump proposed a historically left-wing policy want, they would take to the airwaves and the twitter and call the policy dangerous and stupid.

I am absolutely sure of it.



19 Comments on Trump should start proposing left-wing policies

  1. Don’t need to hear you out. I’ve often thought the same. But look at the criticism he’s getting on the health care bill from nevertrumpers right now. The poor SOB still trying to find the bathrooms in the Whitehouse. We eat our own way to much.

  2. I think every pool in America needs a lifeguard.
    Even new parents that buy those plastic pools for their toddlers have to hire a lifeguard.
    Bathing your child in a tub?…LIFEGUARD.
    Government mandated.
    In fact, they need 24 hour lifeguards for ANY body of water in the USA.

    Is that leftist enough?

  3. MJA, Not sure how much info Newt really knows, but he’s was on Hannity tonight saying this is a 4 or 5 step process. Not sure where he’s going with that but like I posted earlier Trumps mentioned twice in as many days let’s wrap this shit up and get to tax reform. I think he requires a certain amount of trust at this point.

  4. One example is “infrastructure Investment”, a classic, perennial, left-wing issue. Hillary said she wanted to spend 1/2 trillion, Trump said he wanted to spend a trillion. So now the democrats are opposed to it. It is starting to get funny.

  5. I think a perfect left wing policy is to restrict travel from all nations where the organized killing of gays takes place as well as where female genital mutilation is public policy. Oh yeah, anyplace that restricts women from a prominent place in society is on the same list.

  6. Hey I’m all for waiting a bit if the shit gets done right. No problem. I think it may be hard to dismantle 0bamacare in one step because O’ jackass pretty much planted bombs into every part of the economy.
    And one thing I noticed yesterday when I went to buy my insulin was that the price per vial has dropped about 50 bucks. So I paid 220 compared to 270 I paid a month and a half ago. Which still sucks ass, but there it is.

  7. I like how, about 5/8 of the way into that video, they replaced the words “duck season” with “f*** Clinton”. Or maybe it was 3/8 of the way through – I forget – but it was really hilarious.


  8. Hey, let’s start giving women equal rights and every protection under the laws of God and government.. You know, the women with no voice. The smaller women. The ones who are so small you can fit them inside maybe… oh I don’t know, a womb or something?

  9. MJA, I quote work off a Military Webb Base Solicitation sight. All things military flow through it. After sequestration the quotes that fell in our criteria fell to about 3 a week from approx 200 a day. We’re back up to about 75 a day. Obviously there’s some shit going on we don’t know about.

  10. Repealing Obamacare must make defusing a ticking nuclear warhead look like child’s play.

    Don’t cut the red wire. And it’s designed as an insoluble Vesuvius-sizes tangle of red wires.

    It’s unrealistic to expect Trump to defuse and replace this 20%-of-economy disaster in mere months. He’s deleted the mandatory participation already by EO.
    Trust the man.

  11. Paul Ryan, what a sorry piece of work! Tucker Carlson allowed the lying Speaker to completely expose himself. Ryan blames the senate for the do nothing congress.

    Ryan’s lame-ass excuse for congress being scheduled to work only 8 days in April-‘We have to visit our constituents’.

    The jackrabbits are AFRAID to have town halls!

    Considering the nominations stacked up like corpses (or should I spell it the Obama way, corps), plus the Obamacare lite mish mash they have managed to over churn, they need to stay at work!!!

    What clowns! No wonder clowns are so reviled! Congress has given them a bad rap.

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