Trump Threatens To Veto Any Immigration Bill Which Doesn’t Fully Deliver – IOTW Report

Trump Threatens To Veto Any Immigration Bill Which Doesn’t Fully Deliver

Daily Caller-

President Donald Trump will veto any immigration bill to codify DACA protections into law that does not meet his three core demands, a senior administration official told Axios.

Trump’s veto threat comes as the Senate begins a period of debate on immigration in which lawmakers will try to conjure a bill capable of garnering the requisite 60 votes. The president has vowed that any bill which will codify Obama-era protections for illegal immigrants into law must be accompanied by funding for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, and that it must end both chain migration and the diversity visa lottery program.

Trump ended the DACA program in September, citing its likely unconstitutionality, giving lawmakers 6 months to hammer out a deal which conforms with his demands. The administration has released its own legislative framework for a bill it believes is a compromise solution which includes — $25 billion for border wall funding — in return for a pathway to citizenship for 1.8 million illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. as children.  more

5 Comments on Trump Threatens To Veto Any Immigration Bill Which Doesn’t Fully Deliver

  1. This really puts America first, right Mr. Trump, America First doormat for illegal aliens,subsidizing breaking the law law is not good.
    How about helping bank robbers?
    I think we are being fed a line \of bullshit by the White House!

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